Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/314

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300 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. man who stands on the right, singing to the accompaniment of a fiddler. A child, in the left middle distance, looks into a cupboard which stands under a large window. In the background is a staircase, with a bed to the right. The singer holds a glass in his left hand and a jug in his right. Near him a dog lies beside a stool, on which is a jug. [Pendant to 613. Possibly identical with 737^.] Dated 1647 ; panel, io inches by 14 inches. In the collection of Paul Methuen, Corsham, 1829 (Sm., who valued this and 613 at 525 the pair). Sold with the pendant by Sm. in 1840 to W. D. Acraman, Bristol. Offered for sale in 1845 by the dealer Woodin (for 450, with pendant). Sale. G. T. Braine, London, April 6, 1857 (213 : 35., Gritten) ; Gritten afterwards exchanged it with J. E. Fordham for the pendant. Sales. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 401. Tabourier, Paris, June 20, 1898, No. 176. In the Elkins collection, Philadelphia, 1908 catalogue, No. 14. 522. PEASANTS AT MUSIC IN A COTTAGE. A fiddler stands in the centre. Five persons sit round him j three of them are singing. On the left is a boy holding a bowl. Signed in full, and dated 1647 ; panel, 14 inches by 18 inches. Exhibited at Vienna, 1873, No. 28. In the collection of Dr. Leroy. In the collection of Dr. M. Strauss, Vienna. 522*7. A Company of Peasants singing. Sale. Adriaan van Hoek, Amsterdam, April 7, 1706 (Hoet, i. 88), No. 13 (300 florins). 522^. Peasants singing by Candlelight. Sale. David Grenier, Middelburg, August 1 8, 1712 (Hoet, ii. 360), No. 54 (5 florins 5). 522;-. Peasants at Music. n| inches by 9! inches. Sale. Marinus de Jeude, The Hague, April 18, 1735 (Hoet, i. 434), No. 46 (65 florins). 522^. Peasants at Music in front of a Cottage. 7 inches by 10 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 40. Sale. Chevalier de la Roque, Paris, 1745 (245 francs). 522*. Peasants singing. Sale. Count van Hoogendorp, The Hague, July'27, 1751 (Hoet, ii. 306), No. 141 (50 florins). 522/ A Company of Peasants singing. Sale. Ph. van Dijk, The Hague, June 13, 1753, No. 123 (3 florins 2, Hekkenhouwer).