Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/33

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ix FRANS HALS I3 Circular panel, u inches across. In the collection of Jules Forges, Paris. 32. A LAUGHING BOY WITH A FLUTE. B. 118 ; M. 230. Half-length ; life size, almost in full face. The line of the shoulders rises to the left. The head is also almost in full face, but slightly inclined to the left. The long hair falls down, but a lock dangles just above the right shoulder. The eyes look at the spectator. The left hand holds a flute. Light-grey background. Broadly painted. The ground shows through the paint. A life-like rendering. [Pendant to ii.J Circular panel, 15 inches across. In the Schwerin Museum, 1882 catalogue, No. 444. 33. HEAD OF A BOY WITH A FLUTE AND A GUINEA-PIG. M. 239. A laughing head, with long rough hair, in full face. The body is turned to the left ; the eyes look to the right. The right hand, which is alone visible, holds a flute upright. On the left close to the flute, but sitting on the right shoulder, is a guinea-pig, facing left. Circular panel, u| inches by u inches ; the grain of the wood runs diagonally. Exhibited in the Rembrandt Exhibition of the Amsterdam dealers Fred. Muller and Co., 1906, No. 59. In the collection of Mauthner von Markhof, Vienna. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the possession of the Paris dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1902, No. 20. In the collection of H. Teixeira de Mattos, Vogelenzang. 33#. A Young Flute-Player. E.j6. [Probably identical with 85.] In the possession of the Paris dealer E. Warneck about 1883 (Bode). 34. HEAD OF A LAUGHING BOY. In full face, seen from a little below, with fine flesh-colour. The long hair falls in disorder on the shoulders. The right hand holds a flute upright. Signed on the right at top with the monogram ; circular panel, 12 inches across. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. Sales. Hauptmann, Paris, March 22, 1897, No. 27. Ch. Sedelmeyer, Berlin, November 16, 1897, No. 15. 35. Head of a Laughing Child. In full face. Blowing soap- bubbles. [Pendant to 36.] Circular panel, 13^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. Wiermann, Amsterdam, August 18, 1762 (Terw. 271), No. ill (10 florins 10, with pendant). 36. Head of a Laughing Boy. Almost in full face. Blowing soap-bubbles. [Pendant to 35.] Circular panel, 13^ inches by 12 inches.