Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/334

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320 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. Panel, 13! inches by 10 inches. Sale. Hendrik Verschuuring, The Hague, September 17, 1770, No. 128. 587. Boisterous Peasants at an Inn. Sm. Suppl 2. In the centre a man is singing. He lifts his glass of beer, and embraces a woman who strokes his face. Behind him stands a laughing man with a jug in his hand. At the back, a boy and a girl eat broth. A peasant in half-shadow in the foreground watches the merriment. [Possibly identical with 569. Pendant to 587*.] Panel, 1 1 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Servad, Amsterdam, June 25, 1778, No. 63 (335 florins, with pendant, Wubbels). 587^. Boisterous Peasants carousing in a Barn. Sm. Suppl. 2. Men and women are amusing themselves. Bright sunlight. [Possibly identical with 568. Pendant to 587.] Panel, 1 1 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Servad, Amsterdam, June 25, 1778, No. 64 (335 florins, with pendant, Wubbels). 588. Drunken Peasants at an Inn. A drunken peasant has fallen down in front. A woman tries to help him up. On the right sit two peasants. One leans his arm on his chair and holds a large jug in the other hand. The second peasant holds a jug and a beer-glass, and stretches his right leg on a bench, while he talks to another man. Behind him are two figures ; one leans both arms on the table, near a charcoal pan. On the other side, near the fire, are two other figures with a child. [Possibly identical with 576*7 or 591.] Panel, 13! inches by i8| inches. Sale. P. A. J. KnijfF, Antwerp, July 18, 1785, No. 356 (25 florins, Beekmans Lutzghen). 589. Boisterous Peasants at an Inn. The principal group includes some peasants drinking and a loving couple. Farther away, men and women dance to the music of a fiddler. In front, a woman takes food out of a pot. Panel, 18 inches by 24 inches. Sales. H. A. van der Heuvel, Utrecht, June 27, 1825, No. 46 (900 florins, bought in). Utrecht, April 27, 1827, No. 20 (900 florins). 590. Peasants carousing at an Inn. Sm. Suppl. 125. In a lofty rustic interior are five men, two women, and two children. A droll old man carries in a comrade on his back ; another man, seated near a little table in the centre, drinks to him. On the left sit a jovial old woman in a profile view and an old man who scratches his head. In front on a bench are a large stoneware jug and a charcoal pan. " The figures are here represented of a larger size than usual, and are painted with great freedom of hand, and relieved by a powerful effect of light. An early production" (Sm.). Panel, 20^ inches by 19 inches.