Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/345

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X ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 331 Purchased in Berlin in 1879 from the estate of Freiherr von Mecklenburg. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1906 catalogue, No. 8556. 623. FIVE FISHERMEN. An attractive little picture. Signed in full. In the Azam collection, Bordeaux. 624. PEASANTS AT AN INN. Sm. 118, and Suppl. 60. In the centre foreground three peasants sit round a three-legged stool, on which are a charcoal pan, a clay pipe, and tobacco. The nearest man, seen almost from the back and facing right, holds a glass in his right hand. The two others are seen almost in full face and are smoking. They converse with a fourth man who stands to the left, leaning against a cupboard. In front of him a poodle licks something on the floor. On the left-hand corner of the bench, on which the nearest man sits, is a capacious handled jug, with some playing-cards. Near the window at the back of the room four more peasants are grouped round a table. Two play backgammon ; a third man sits to the right in profile, holding a large beer - mug in his left hand ; a fourth man stands behind him, conversing. Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1663 ; panel, 12 inches by io| inches. Mentioned by Waagen, ii. 330. Engraved by J. Klaus. Sales. Jan Gildemeester Jansz, Amsterdam, June 1 1, 1800, No. 168 (875 florins, J. Yver). John Maitland, London, July 30, 1831 (87 : 33., Sm.). In the collection of Charles Brind, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. Charles Brind, London, May 10, 1849 (136 : ios., Ward). In the collection of C. S. Bale, London, 1854 (Waagen). Sales. Mayne, London, 1881 (jioo8, A. N.). Ad. Jos. Bosch, Vienna, April 28, 1885, No. 41 (18,000 florins, Bourgeois). Acquired for Brussels from Gauchez, 1891. In the Brussels Museum, 1906 catalogue, No. 341. 625. An Interior. Signed; panel, 12 inches by 10 inches. Exhibited at Brussels, 1882, No. 178. In the collection of Comte d'Ursel, Brussels. 626. PEASANTS AT AN INN. One man is in front ; three others are behind him. Cool in tone ; of the early period. Panel, 7^ inches by 6^ inches. In the Esterhazy collection, Vienna. In the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 1906 catalogue, No. 495 (old No. 287). 627. FOUR FIGURES IN AN INTERIOR. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of Georg Rath, Budapest, 1894. 628. THE TABLE IN THE VILLAGE INN. Sm. i and