Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/348

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334 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. three peasants sit round a little table. The man on the right, seated in profile to the left on a three-legged stool, holds a jug in his left hand, and raises his glass in his right. Opposite him, on a wooden bench, sits the second man, in profile to the right ; he bends down to the table to light his pipe at a charcoal pan. The third peasant sits at the back of the table between the others, and almost facing the spectator ; he plays a fiddle. A woman with a chair approaches from the left behind him. On the left, near an open arched doorway leading into a barn-like room with various objects in it, sits a little girl, who turns her head slightly to the left, and looks at a white dog standing in front of her. In the right background is a window ; to the right of it is the hearth, with three more figures. To the left of the window is a ladder leading to the loft. A "superlative picture" (Sm.). [Compare 582.] Signed in full, and dated 1662 on the right at foot ; panel, 19 inches by 15^ inches. Engraved by Bovinet in the Musee Franfais ; etched by Chataigner (finished by Bovinet) in the Musee Napoleon, Filhol, v. 297. Sale. C. van Dijk, The Hague, May 10, 1713 (Hoet, i. 1 60), No. 12 (350 florins). In the collection of H. van Slingeland, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 407). In the collection of William V. Stadtholder of the Netherlands, The Hague (Terw. 704). In the Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague, 1907 catalogue, No. 128 ; it was there in 1829 (Sm., who valued it together with 429 at ^1260 as a pair). 637. INTERIOR OF AN INN. Five figures round a barrel. A peasant on the right drinks from a mug ; his neighbour watches him. Two other men, who sit facing each other, are smoking. A girl stirs a jug with a spoon. At the back are two couples. By the fireside on the right are two figures ; on the left are two others. Signed in full, and dated 1649 on t ^ ie r ig nt at f ot > panel. In the Hudtwalker-Wesselhoeft collection, Hamburg, 1889 catalogue, p. 53 ; bought in 1889 for the Kunsthalle. In the Kunsthalle, Hamburg. 638. PEASANTS AT AN INN. In the foreground a man in a red jacket, white shirt, and steely-blue breeches sits, leaning his elbow on a cask, and holding a pipe in his left hand. Beside him stands a man in purple, holding a beer-glass. At the back are four other figures ; to the left of the fireside is a woman nursing a child. Panel, 14^ inches by 13 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1907, No. 71. In the collection of Lord Huntingfield, Heveningham Hall. 639. INTERIOR OF AN INN. Two peasants sit at a table, drinking and smoking. One holds his hat in his hand. A third man stands on the right. Near a window at the back are another man, and a woman standing behind a counter. Signed in full, and dated 1671 on the right at foot; panel, 17 inches by 14 inches.