Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/352

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338 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1818 ; and at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1887, No. 107. Sales. Lady Holderness, London, March 6, 1802, No. 47 (320:55., Jaubert). Sir G. Page Turner, Bart., London, 1815 (351 : 155., Forster). Lord Charles Townshend, London, 1819 (430 : ios.). A. de la Hante, London, 1821 (^420). Sold by Sm. in 1824 to William Beckford, who had it in 1829 (Sm.). In the collection of R. S. Holford, London, 1849, according to a MS. note by Sm. in his own copy of his catalogue. In the collection of Lieutenant-Colonel G. L. Holford, London. 651. INTERIOR OF AN INN. Beside a large window on the left, a woman and a child and six peasants sit at a table. In the centre stands a man drinking from a tall glass. Opposite him a man and a woman sit on a bench. Two other figures are at the fireside. On the right a man draws a pot of beer ; beside him is a child. On the left a boy plays with a dog. An attractive picture with strong local colour. Signed in full, and dated 1669 ; panel, 12 inches by 15^ inches. Mentioned by Waagen, Suppl. 311. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1892, No. 80. In the collection of Edward Gray, Harringay House, Hornsey, 1854 (Waagen) ; but scarcely to be identified with either of the two pictures men- tioned by Sm. as in this collection (see 56 and 718). In the collection of the late Charles Morrison, Basildon Park, Reading. 652. PEASANTS AT AN INN. In the foreground is a group of two men drinking and a woman. At a large chimney-piece to the left is another man. At the other end of the room, by a tall window, is a group of five men, who drink and smoke and listen to a rommelpot-player. 1 6 inches by 22 inches. Exhibited at the London Guildhall Art Gallery, 1894, No. 69. In the collection of the late George Salting, London ; bequeathed to the national collections, 1909. 653. INTERIOR WITH PEASANTS. In the centre is a group of two peasants and a woman. One man is seated in full face ; the other man stands in profile ; the woman is behind the seated man. Between them is a child. On the left, farther back, three other figures are at the fireside. The chief group is in full light. Brownish-yellow in tone. Signed in full, and dated 1641 on the right at foot ; panel, 12 inches by n| inches. In the possession of the London dealers Sulley, June 1909. 654. PEASANTS CONVERSING AT AN INN (or, The Interesting Story). Sm. Suppl. 54. In all there are nine figures. Three sit in the middle, listening to a fourth, who stands holding his hat in his right hand and raising a full glass of beer in his left. To the right of this group a peasant stands by the fire conversing with a woman. A dog lies asleep in front of them. Farther back, near a window, three other peasants play cards. A very good picture.