Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/354

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340 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. just poured out a glass of wine for him from a jug which she holds in her left hand. On the left a boy stands warming himself by the fire. A window admits the faint evening light ; the room is also illumined by the fire and by a small hanging lamp. Formerly attributed to Isack van Ostade, but an early work by Adriaen, dating from the time when he exaggerated vivid effects of light. Traces of a signature on the right at foot ; panel, 15^ inches by 13! inches. In the collection of Comte de Baudouin. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 952. 663. Peasants at an Inn. In a cottage, with a window on the right, a woman and a man sit on stools at a low table, on which stands a jug of beer. The woman smokes ; the man holds a jug. Behind them stands a young peasant who raises a large glass in his left hand. In the background a third peasant, seen from the back, sits near the hearth. In the foreground, near a heap of earth, is a cat ; to the left are pots and other utensils. The picture was formerly attributed to Brouwer, but since 1838 has been assigned to Ostade. Bode thinks that it was painted before 1635 ; it seems, however, later than 611 (also at the Hermitage), which is dated 1637, and therefore should date from about 1640-5, but its authenticity is not quite certain. Signed on the right at foot with a monogram, in which only the letter O is clearly discernible ; it may be doubted whether this is Ostade's monogram and whether it may not be the remains of the monogram of Bartholomeus Molenaer ; panel, 1 1 inches by 9 inches. Acquired by the Empress Catherine II. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 959. 663*7. Peasants drinking and smoking in an Interior. Three are grouped round a cask on which is a charcoal pan. The man to the left sits on a wooden bench, seen from the back in a three-quarter view to the right ; he leans his right elbow on his right knee, and holds a pipe in his right hand. The man to the right sits on a three-legged stool in pro- file to the left ; his right forearm rests on the cask. He holds in his left hand a glass which the man in the centre, who stands almost facing the spectator, fills with beer from an earthenware jug in his left hand. On the right at foot is a cat. In the left background is the hearth with a blazing fire. In front of it a man with a high cap, in profile to the right, holds what looks like a pair of tongs. In front of him is a stool. To the left, on the floor, are a hat, a jug, and a pipe. Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1642. Exhibited at St. Petersburg, 1908, No. 347. In the collection of I. P. Balaschscheff, St. Petersburg. 664.. PEASANTS DRINKING AND SMOKING IN AN INTERIOR. By the fireside three men sit round a cask, on which are pipes and tobacco. The nearest man, who turns his back on the spectator, has a purple jacket and red cap ; he lifts his glass of beer and stretches out his left leg. The second man, who is laughing, smokes his pipe and leans