Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/358

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344 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 6 7 ow. A Company of Peasants. Sale. The Hague, May 3, 1729 (Terw. 7), No. 85 (28 florins 5). 670^. A Company. Sale. Amsterdam, November 23, 1729 (Hoet, i. 344), No. 20 (36 florins 5). 6700 and p. Two Small Pictures with Peasants. Sale. Anthony Deutz, Amsterdam, March 7, 1731 (Hoet, i. 361), No. 20 (40 florins). 6707 and r. A Company of Peasants with Numerous Figures ; and, A Company of Peasants. [Pendants.] 17 inches by 21 inches. Sale. Adriaan Bout, The Hague, August 1 1, 1733 (Hoet, i. 391), No. 86 (400 florins) and No. 87 (305 florins). 670*. Interior. [Pendant to 546^.] 34 inches by 31 inches. Sale. The widow Visser, Amsterdam, 1733 (Hoet, i. 378), No. 3 (300 florins). 6701. A Company of Peasants. Sale. Amsterdam, March 9, 1734 (Hoet, i. 398), No. 10 (205 florins). 6jou and v. A Company ; and, A Country Inn. Of the best period. Sale. Amsterdam, March I, 1735, Nos. 5 and 6. 6jow. Rustic Gaiety. 17 inches by 22^ inches. Sale. Marinus de Jeude, The Hague, April 18, 1735 (Hoet, i. 433), No. 35 (260 florins). 671. Peasants drinking. 14 inches by u^ inches. Safe. Marinus de Jeude, The Hague, April 18, 1735 (Hoet, i. 434), No. 47 (60 florins). 6710. A Company of Peasants. With many figures and accessories. Sale. Marinus de Jeude, The Hague, April 18, 1735 (Hoet, i. 435), No. 79 (155 florins). 672. Interior with a Company of Peasants. Some sing or play cards. Many accessories. 19 inches by 19! inches. Sale. Johan van Schuylenburg, The Hague, September 20, 1735 (Hoet, i. 452) (635 florins, Da Costa). 673. A Company of Peasants. [Pendant to 386^.] Dated 1637 ; 12 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Jan van Loon, Delft, July 18, 1736 (Hoet, ii. 391), No. 30 (38 florins, with pendant).