Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/36

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16 FRANS HALS SECT. blue cap, a blue doublet, and over it a grey jacket with short sleeves. Behind his left arm is seen the basket which he carries on his back. At the back is a view of the dunes. To the left are two little figures on a road. On the right a church spire rises a little above the dunes. Cloudy sky. Very broad and loose in style. The boy's smile is very well rendered. In good preservation. Signed, on a jug hanging from a strap over the shoulder, with a mono- gram composed of the letters "F H F" ; canvas, 26^ inches by 22 inches. In the collection of Prince von Bentheim-Steinfurt, Burgsteinfurt, West- phalia. 51. A FISHER-BOY. B. 68 ; M. 255. Half-length ; almost in full face, with the head slightly bent to the left. He laughs at the spec- tator ; his mouth is open, showing the teeth. He wears a dark coat with broad sleeves, and a small red cap. He lays his right wrist on a large basket. He holds up a fish in his left hand. Very characteristic. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 28| inches by 23 inches. Engraved by Paul le Rat. Sale. John W. Wilson of Brussels, Paris, March 14, 1881, 1873 catalogue, p. 85. In the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, 1898 catalogue, No. 193. 52. A MAN WITH A TUB OF HERRINGS. M. 257. Half-length ; life size, turned to the right. The man has a healthy, red- cheeked face and a fair moustache, and wears a grey coat and slouch hat. With his left arm he holds a wooden tub with three metal hoops, which he supports with his left hand. Grey background. Behind the head a dark olive-green vine tendril hangs down diagonally from the right-hand upper corner. Very sketchy but good. Almost entirely in dull purple tones. Panel, 27! inches by 20 inches. Presented to Hamburg by Alfred Beit in 1891. In the Hamburg Kunsthalle. 53. A FISHER-BOY. B. 147 ; M. 256. Half-length ; life size. He wears a brown costume and a red cap. The figure is very well relieved against a blue sky. Painted about 1630. The landscape reminds one more of A. Brouwer than of Hals' Dutch contemporaries, Van Goyen and Molijn. Mentioned by Waagen. In the collection of the Marquess of Linlithgow, Hopetoun House, Scotland. 54. A FISHER-BOY. B. 53 ; M. 252. Half-length. He sits, turned to the left. He wears a hat, and leans his head on his right hand. At the back is a view of the dunes, with a reclining man. Blackish tone with some pale local colours. Very fine and full of delicate gradations in the sky and landscape. Probably painted about 1630-40. Signed on the right at top with the contracted monogram " F. H." ; panel, 1 1 inches by 8| inches. Exhibited at Leipzig, 1889, No. 96.