Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/38

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i-8 FRANS HALS SECT. 6 1. A Fruit and Vegetable Dealer. 38 inches by 58 inches. Sale. (Supplementary) David Mansveld, Amsterdam, August 13, 1806, No. 323 (2 florins). 6 1 a. A Young Man arranging Fruit on a Table. Canvas. Sale. Van Barneveld, Van den Haute, and others, Antwerp, February 26, 1844, No. 23. 62. The Gardener. In his left hand he holds a plant in a pot. A broadly handled sketch. Panel, 27 inches by 20 inches. Sale. Prince Paul Galitzin, Paris, March 10, 1875, No. 42. 62*. A Man eating Soup. With a cat by J. Fyt. Sale. J. Siebrecht, Antwerp, June II, 1754 (Terw. 94), No. 120 (18 florins 10). . A Man eating Soup. Canvas. Sale. Amsterdam, June 1 6, 1828, No. 37 (o florins 10, Carsen). 63. A MERRY TOPER. B. 17; M. 264. Half-length. A laughing man seen almost in full face. He wears a broad-brimmed black hat, and a yellowish-brown costume. On his sash is a medallion of Prince Maurice. In his left hand he holds a wine-glass, half full. His right hand is slightly raised, showing the palm j the fingers are spread out. Excep- tionally loose in handling. Signed on the right with the monogram ; canvas, 33 inches by 27 inches. A copy, differing in colour, was in the sale : Duke of Cleveland and others, London, March 8, 1902, No. 96 (21) communicated by A. Bredius. Sale. Baroness van Leyden van Warmond, Warmond, July 31, 1816, No. 13 (325 florins). In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1907 catalogue, No. 1091. 64. THE MERRY TOPER. B. 34 ; M. 273. Half-length ; life size. A man seen almost in full face. His head is turned to the right ; he looks down. He raises his broad-brimmed hat. His hair is in disorder j he wears a pointed beard. His doublet is open at the throat to show the shirt. He holds a mug in his left hand. [Pendant to 136.] Canvas, 28 inches by 23^ inches. Exhibited at Dtlsseldorf, 1904, No. 319. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 1 68 (43 florins, Fouquet). In the collection of the Due d'Arenberg, Brussels; W. Burger's 1859 cata- logue, No. 1 8. 65. The Toper. M. 271. A man with long hair and beard, wearing a big bkck hat, holds in his right hand a wine-glass, half full.