Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/387

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 373 fire. To the left are a woman and a little girl with a small white dog beside them. Signed ; panel, 18 inches by 14^ inches. Sale. Dornberg and others, Frankfort-on-the-Main, December 7, 1897, No. 85. 756^. Interior. Panel, 15! inches by I2| inches. Sale. Dornberg and others, Frankfort-on-the-Main, December 7, 1897, No. 86. 757. Four Peasants at an Inn. In a poorly furnished cellar room, fully lighted by a candle, three men are grouped round a table. On the right a man sits on the floor asleep. Panel, 8 inches by n inches. Sale. Brade and others, Cologne, December 17, 1897, No. 245. 757#. Peasants carousing. Panel, nj inches by 24^ inches. Sale. Lucy Copeman and others, London, June 13, 1898, No. 42. 758. A RUSTIC INN. With an open door. A present is offered. n inches by 9^ inches. Exhibited at the South Kensington Museum, London, 1891-7, No. 6. In the collection of Lord Francis Pelham Clinton Hope, Deepdene, bought as a whole in 1898 by the London dealers P. and D. Colnaghi and A. Wert- heimer. 759. INTERIOR WITH FIVE SMALL FIGURES. Two children fighting and three grown-up persons. A good early picture. Exhibited in the Hoogendijk Exhibition, Rotterdam, 1899, No. i. Then in the Hoogendijk collection, The Hague, No. 242. 759^. Peasants reading in an Interior. In an old Dutch barn- like room four men sit at a table reading a document, while a fifth, with his back to the spectator, is occupied in the background. Panel, i6| inches by 12^ inches. Sale. D'Eve and others, Cologne, March 20, 1899, No. 101. 759^. A Rustic Interior. Three persons sit conversing round the hearth. Farther away are others drinking and smoking. On the left, through an open door, is seen another room. 1 6 inches by 12^ inches. Sale. Wedewer, Cologne, May I, 1899, No. 169. 759<r. Interior with Peasants drinking. Panel, io| inches by 8 inches. Sale. London, June 10, 1899, No. 126. 759</. An Inn with Peasants drinking. Sale. Viscount Oxenbridge, London, December 9, 1899, No. 94.