Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/405

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ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 39 1 8 ioa. Merry Peasants outside a House. Dated 1671. Sale. Amsterdam, November 10, 1801, No. 9. 8 lob. A Country Fair. Canvas, 13^ inches by 20 inches. Sale. Leyden, July 3, 1821, No. 41 (3 florins, Van Yperen). 8 1 o<r. Merry Peasants outside a House. Signed in full ; panel, 8 inches by 10 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 14, 1839, No. 79 (49 florins 50, De Lelie). 8 1 1. A Village Fair. Sm. 165. On the left is a row of cottages with stalls and booths and numerous figures. An old woman sits in a chair beside a cask, distributing drink. Circular panel, 9 inches across. Sales. Robert de St. Victor, Paris, November 26, 1822 (1520 francs). E. W. Lake, London, 1845 (78 : 153., Rutley). 8 1 2. A Fair. Four men and two women dancing. Sale. Robert White, London, June II, 1853 (111, Fuller). 813. A Village Fair. Tall and narrow. Sale. M'Intosh, London, 1857 (262 : ios., Lord Fitzwilliam). 8i3. A Country Fair outside an Inn. In the Fagel collection, according to Art Sales ; but the sale catalogue, in Buchanan, i. 300, etc., mentions no such picture by Ostade. Sales. Richard Sanderson, London, June 17, 1848 (^199). Richard Sanderson, London, 1858 (u$ : ios., Quitter). 814. A Fair. A crowd of peasants are assembled outside the door of an inn. Some sit and others stand in a circle to watch an old couple dancing to the music of a fiddler who stands on a bench. At the side of the village street are booths with customers. In the left middle distance a juggler on a ladder invites passers-by to enter his booth. Panel, I2| inches by 16 inches. Successively in the collections of Baring, Wynn Ellis, and Nieuwenhuys. Sale. Due de Morny, Paris, May 31, 1865, No. 63 (7000 francs). 814*. Pleasures of the Fair. A village street, with its houses shadowed by high trees, is crowded with great numbers of people amusing themselves. Panel, 24 inches by 33^ inches. Sale. Krupp, junior, Cologne, October 29, 1894, No. 133. 814^. The Village Fair. Numerous figures. 27 inches by 40 inches. Sale. Gott and others, London, July 10, 1897, No. 9. 8i4<r. Sports on a River-Bank. Sale. Viscount Oxenbridge, London, December 9, 1899, No. 93.