Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/409

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 395 823. Backgammon-Players in a Cottage. At a table are three peasants. Two sit and watch attentively as the third man, standing in front of the table, throws the dice. On the floor near him are two small jugs, a bench with a cushion, and other accessories. Panel, u inches by 8| inches. Sale. Jan Maul and others, Leyden, September 28, 1782, No. 69 (190 florins, Coders). 823*7. Interior with Three Backgammon-Players. Panel, 18 inches by 21 inches. Sale. J. C. Werther, Amsterdam, April 25, 1792, No. 113. 823^. An Inn with Men playing Draughts. In the foreground sit three peasants drinking and smoking. Near them stands another peasant, who converses with them. Farther back are four other men at a table ; two of them play draughts. Dated 1663 ; panel, n| inches by 10 inches. Sale. L. Th. de Vogel, Amsterdam, October 20, 1794, No. 6. 824. Two Backgammon-Players at an Inn. Sm. 147. Two other men, who are smoking, look on. Ten figures in all. Panel, n inches by 14 inches. Sale. Solirene, Paris, March n, 1812 (2400 francs). 824*7. [Identical with 747.] 824/>. Peasants playing Backgammon or Draughts at an Inn. Sm. 163. Sale. Robert Norman, London, 1818 (.139 : 135.)- 825. Backgammon-Players. At an inn two peasants play back- gammon. A third man, holding a beer-glass in one hand, points with the other to a throw of the dice which they all watch with attention. On the floor and on the wall are a jug and other accessories. Panel, 9 inches by 7 inches. Sale. De Burtin, Brussels, July 21, 1819, No. 115. 825*. Peasants playing Backgammon. One player sits smoking. A third man stands near, filling his pipe. Panel. Sale. J. Smies, J. H. Knoop, and others, Amsterdam, February 24, 1834, No. 99. 825^. Two Backgammon-Players in an Interior. A third man stands near, filling his pipe. Panel. Sale. Amsterdam, September u, 1839, No. 88 (50 florins). 825*:. Three Backgammon-Players in an Interior. Panel, 9 inches by 8 inches. Sale. Kleinenbergh, Leyden, July 19, 1841, No. 180 (115 florins, Roos).