Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/417

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.x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 403 front of a table with cards on it, sits a peasant in profile to the right. He wears a green jacket with light sleeves. He holds in his right hand his clay pipe and the handle of an earthenware jug, supported between his knees ; in his left hand, which is slightly raised, is a small coin. A woman sits on the right, turned three-quarters left, and holding a glass of beer in her right hand ; she listens to the man who addresses her. Between them and behind the table stands the other peasant, leaning his left elbow on the back of a chair and listening to the first man. In the right background is a window ; on the left-hand side is a bed. Signed j panel, io inches by 8| inches. Exhibited at Vienna, 1873, No. 171 ; and at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1888, No. 115. In the possession of Thomas Emmerson, London, before 1842 (Sm.). Sales. Comte R. de Cornelissen, Brussels, May II, 1857, No. 57. Gilkinet, Paris, April 18, 1863, No. 33 (7700 francs). Tardieu, Paris. Lippmann von Lissingen of Vienna, Paris, March 16, 1876, No. 32 (28,100 francs). In the collection of Barclay Field, London, 1888. Sale. George Field, London, June 10, 1893, No. 30. In the possession of the Paris dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1894, No. 27. Sale. Jos. Monchen of The Hague and others, Amsterdam, April 30, 1907, No. 136 (2750 florins). 851. Peasants playing Cards. Panel, 13 inches by u inches. Sales. A. Levy, London, June 16, 1876 (.283 : IDS.). London, July 19, 1907, No. 54. 852. Card-Players at an Inn. Sm. 243. In a barn-like interior three men and a boy are near the door. Two of the men are at cards ; one has risen from his seat. The boy sits holding an earthenware pan. The third man, pipe in hand, stands behind the players. A dog, a pig, and other accessories. Described by Sm. from an engraving by Germain. 853. The Interrupted Game at Cards. Sm. 236. In a room, by a window, two men and a woman sit at a table. One man, seated in an arm-chair, argues with his comrade, who sits on a bench opposite, holding a jug in one hand and a glass in the other. Cards lie on the table. The woman winds flax. On a three-legged stool in front are a pipe and a charcoal pan. Panel, about 1 1 inches by 9 inches. Described by Sm. from an engraving by Heudelot, entitled "Le Jeu Interrompu." 854. The Card-Players. Four full-length figures. In the centre is a low table. On the left sits an old woman holding cards in both hands. Opposite her sits a man in profile to the left, on a box ; he holds his cards in his left hand, and watches the old woman. At his side hangs a jug.