Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/436

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422 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 910;. A Village Landscape with Figures and a Grey Horse. 41 inches by 59 inches. Sale. Huth and others, London, March 19, 1904, No. 148. 911. PEASANTS UNLOADING A WAGGON OUTSIDE A HOUSE. In front of a house on the right three men and a woman unload a waggon full of peat. One man climbs a ladder, carrying a basket on his shoulder up to a loft. Another man sits on an overturned basket in front, with his back to the spectator. The third man stands by the ladder, upon which is an empty basket. The woman is on the waggon, filling a basket. To the left, beside the waggon, are two children. Over the closed half-door of the house is seen the upper part of the figure of a woman with a child in her arms. In the left background is a view of a canal and a row of houses. Painted about 1660-70. Signed ; panel, 35 inches by 28^ inches. Sales. Quiryn van Stryen, Haarlem, April 2, 1715 (Hoet, i. 177), No. 8 (115 florins). Sir T. Baring, London, June 2, 1848 (99 : 155., Brown). In the possession of the London dealer Martin Colnaghi. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 300 Paintings," 1898, No. 99. Sale. Baron Konigswarter of Vienna, Berlin, November 20, 1906, No. 67 (42,000 mark). 912. THE VILLAGE STREET. Sm. 59. A high road through a village, with cottages on both sides and a church tower at the end. Near a well in the centre is a tilt-cart with a white horse. Thirteen small figures, with pigs and poultry, are distributed through the scene. " This little picture is remarkable for its close resemblance to nature, and the daylight effect which pervades it " (Sm.). Dated 1676; panel, 9 inches by 12 inches. Mentioned by Descamps ; by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 337, ii. 161 ; and by Waagen, ii. 107. Sales. Blondel de Gagny, Paris, December 10, 1776, No. 102 (4300 francs). Trouart, Paris, February 22, 1779 (3301 francs). Choiseul-Praslin, Paris, February 18, 1793 (2861 francs). Solirene, Paris, March n, 1812 (1801 francs). In the collection of Alexander Baring, London, 1829 (Sm., who valued it at 250)- In the collection of Lord Ashburton, The Grange ; which was bought as a whole in August 1907 by the London dealers T. Agnew and Sons. 913. Peasants in the Open. A woman seated converses with two men. One of them sits holding a jug. The other, with a pipe, stands up. Farther back are other figures, among them a child ; farther away is a dog. Panel. Sale. A. Deneyer and others, Brussels, December 15, 1908, No. 61. 913/7. Landscape. Etched by H W. Caspar!.