Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/440

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426 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 922. AN EARLY PICTURE. Wrongly ascribed to Molenaer. In the Schloss, Mciningen. 922tf-<r. Three Small Pictures. Sale. Amsterdam, March 25, 1728 (Hoet, i. 322), No. 16 (102 florins). 922d-e. Two Small Pictures. Sale. Amsterdam, April 27, 1740 (Hoet, ii. 3), No. 42 (25 florins 10). 92 2f. A Small Picture. Sale. Fr. Trimble, Rotterdam, April 5, 1747, No. 36. 92 2. A Small Picture. Sale. Pook and Theodorus van Pee, The Hague, May 23, 1747 (Tervv. 51), No. 82 (14 florins 5). 922^. A Rustic Barn. A small picture. Sale. B. Keerwolff, Leyden, September 9, 1748, No. 15 (4 florins 16, Kroonenburg). 923. A Picture. Dated 1637. Sale. Heirs of Caspar Netscher, A. Schouman, and others, The Hague, July 15, 1749, No. 249 (i florin 6). 923*. A Picture with Peasants. Sale. Amsterdam, June 27, 1752, No. 79. 923^. A Picture by Candlelight. Sale. Jan van der Vinne, Haarlem, January 13, 1754, No. 12. g2^c-f. Four Fine Pictures. Mentioned by W. Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting, ii. 245, in the list of the pictures which he imported from Spain into England in 1813. 9 2 3-^- Two Pictures. Engraved. Sale.W. Beckford, Fonthill Abbey, 1823 (23 : 12 : 6, Walker). 923/. A Picture. Sale. Amsterdam, May 10, 1830, No. 229 (205 florins, Pool). 9237. A Small Picture. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 9. Sale. Comtesse de Verrue, Paris, March 27, 1737, No. 93 (60 francs). 923^. The Indiscreet Flemings. Engraved by Goepfert as " Les flamands indiscrete." 9237. The Cottage. Engraved by F. W. Musculus as "La Chaumiere." 9230*. A Group of Peasants. Engraved by J. Schlicht, 1820.