Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/456

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442 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. Sale. (Supplementary) Amsterdam, June 5, 1765 (Terw. 466), No. 9 (27 florins, De Winter). 6e-i. The Five Senses. Five interiors with peasants and women. [Possibly identical with 6-6d.] Panel, 9 inches by n| inches. Sale. P. de la Court van der Voort and others, Amsterdam, August 26, 1772, No. 136 (34 florins, J. Wubbels). 6j-n. The Five Senses. Five interiors with peasants and women. [Possibly identical with S a ~S e -~ Panel, 10 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 30, 1772, No. 136. 7. TRAVELLERS HALTING AT AN INN. Sm. 68, and Suppl. 38. In the centre of the middle distance a grey horse in profile feeds at a trough on the right. Behind it to the right a peasant drinks from a jug. Farther back are a dark horse and many figures in front of an inn. In the right foreground, near a tree, a woman sits nursing her child. On the left, behind the grey horse, a peasant lies on the ground asleep, near a jug ; farther to the left are a woman and a boy. In the left background a waggon, followed by two men, goes over a bridge to the left. An "excellent picture" (Sm.). Signed in full, and dated 1643 J P an el, 2o inches by 27^ inches. In the Van Heteren collection, The Hague (Hoet, ii. 457), which was acquired by the Rijksmuseum in 1809. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1907 catalogue, No. 1822 (Sm. valued it in 1842 at 220). 8. TRAVELLERS HALTING AT AN INN. Sm. 58. In the centre is a two-wheeled cart drawn by a grey horse facing right. On the right, behind it, is an inn, with an arbour to the right, in which several men sit at table. A woman stands near them to the left. On the left of the inn is a large tree. Beneath it is a horseman, with two other figures behind him to the left ; all these are seen in relief against the back- ground. In the left foreground are two dogs, one of which seems to be held in leash by a man. Signed in full, and dated 16 ; panel, 22 inches by 19 inches. Sales. The dowager Boreel, Amsterdam, September 23, 1814, No. 15 (1520 florins, C. Buys). Smith, London, 1828 (141 : 155.). In the Van der Hoop collection, Amsterdam. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Van der Hoop bequest, 1907 catalogue, No. 1823. 9. TRAVELLERS HALTING AT AN INN. On the right, in front of the door of an inn, an itinerant musician stands amidst a group of children. He holds his fiddle in his left hand and a beer-glass in his right, and converses with a peasant seated before him. To the left a saddled grey horse feeds from a trough. Behind it to the right is a cart. Behind the horse to the left a man rides to the left ; a beggar asks an alms