Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/459

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 445 In the collection of the Earl of Ellesmere, Bridgewater House, London, 1892 catalogue, No. 183. 19. TRAVELLERS HALTING AT AN INN. Sm. 35, and Suppl. 23. In the right middle distance is an inn, with a large tree on the left of it. In front is a post-waggon drawn by a grey horse, before which are a trough and a man with a sack of fodder. To the left a lady is about to enter the carriage, and a man assists her. A poor cripple begs of them. In the right foreground is a group of four peasants ; a woman, holding a jug, stands in the middle of them. In the left distance is a church. Panel, 33 inches by 43 inches. Mentioned by W. Burger, Tresors e? Art en Angkterre, p. 316 ; by Waagen, ii. 14 ; by Jameson, Private Galleries, p. 34. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1826-7; at Manchester, 1857, No. 1034. Sale. Jan Gildemeester Jansz., Amsterdam, June n, 1800, No. 169 (1400 florins, Westerwoud). In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London, 1885 catalogue, No. 90 ; it was in the Royal collection, 1829 (Sm.). 20. TRAVELLERS HALTING AT A VILLAGE INN. One rider sits on a grey horse ; another on a black horse pays the land- lord. At the door five peasants are drinking. On the road in the imme- diate foreground are two dogs j farther away is a waggon. Signed in full on the right ; panel, 13 inches by 15^ inches. Mentioned by Waagen, ii. 262, and Suppl. 107. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1879, No. 105. In the collection of the late Charles Morrison, Basildon Park, Reading. 21. TRAVELLERS HALTING AT AN INN. Sm. 69. On the top of a hill to the left is a picturesque inn, with steps leading to a balcony on the first floor. Two children are on the balcony j a woman is at the door. Among the travellers halting outside is a lady in scarlet who has dismounted and walks towards the inn. Near her are two dogs. Farther away, a traveller comes up the hill. "This is one of the few pictures which the master has finished with studious care, and has united brilliancy of effect with exquisite detail " (Sm.). Canvas, 25 inches by 22 inches. Mentioned by Waagen, Suppl. 165. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1877, No. 82. In the collection of Abraham Robarts, London, 1829 (Sm.). In the collection of Abraham J. Robarts, London. 22. TRAVELLERS HALTING AT AN INN. Sm. 5, and Suppl. 3. In the centre of the middle distance is a four-wheeled waggon with two horses, one of them a grey. A man waters the horses. A woman sits in the waggon, and a little girl offers her something. Behind is a large tree ; to the right is a church. On the right is an inn with several groups of figures. In the right foreground is a group of three a man lying full length, another man seated, and a woman standing.