Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/478

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464 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. 86. Halting at an Inn in Winter. In the left foreground are some loaded sledges and horses, skaters and golf-players ; on the bank to the right are a post-sledge and two horsemen. In the manner of Adriaen van Ostade. Canvas, 42 inches by 6o| inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 14, 1771, No. 44 (105 florins, Greenwood). 86tf. Halting at an Inn in Winter. A frozen river near a village. Outside an inn to the left are gentlemen, peasants, and children. A horse draws a sledge up the bank. On the ice are sledges and skaters. Panel, 24 inches by 31^ inches. Sale. Fiseau (?), Amsterdam, August 30, 1797, No. 167 (630 florins, Agthoven). 87. Outside an Inn in Winter. A sledge full of people and other vehicles are about to start. At the side is a frozen river with many figures. Sale. D. G. van den Burgh van Kronenburg, Loenen, September 6, 1824, No. 19 (855 florins, Smart). 88. Halting at an Inn in Winter. Sm. 59. On a frozen canal are skaters and others. On the bank are several loaded sledges. In front of an inn travellers have halted. Signed, and dated 1645 ; panel, 24 inches by 32^ inches. Sale. Maximilian I., King of Bavaria, Munich, December 5, 1826, No. 104 (3000 florins). 89. Halting at an Inn in Winter. Sm. 62 and Suppl. 39. A frozen canal, with many figures. To the left is an inn, with a post- waggon at the door. In the left foreground is a sledge with a grey horse j the driver makes ready the seats for his passengers. Farther away two ladies and two men are in another sledge drawn by a bay horse. In the centre foreground a boy pushes a little sledge on which another boy sits. Dated 1644; panel, 22 inches by 39 inches. Sale. Sebastien Erard, Paris, April 23, 1832, No. 107 (3000 francs). 90. Halting at an Inn in Winter. Sm. Suppl. 9. On the right is an inn with adjacent buildings. In front is a man with a sledge laden with casks and drawn by a grey horse. Beyond him are several peasants at the inn door. Among the various' groups on the ice are a woman selling cakes to two boys, two men skating, and a woman in a sledge at the foot of some planks laid from the bank on to the ice. A fine evening. Panel, 12 inches by 22 inches. Sale. London, before 1842 (26 115:6, Sm.). In the collection of Charles Brind, London, 1842 (Sm.). 91. Halting at an Inn in Winter (or, A View on a Canal in Winter). Sm. Suppl. 2. To the left are cottages, a church, and several leafless trees. A horseman and two children cross a bridge with a single arch ; beyond are a post-waggon and numerous villagers. In the