Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/494

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480 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of John Jaffe, Nice. 142. A Stream outside a Town. In front a man leads two horses to the watering-place. Another man rides a horse in the water. Boys are swimming or dressing. Farther away are houses and trees. [Pendant to 80, which is dated 1645.] Canvas, 36 inches by 46^ inches. Sale. Hendrik Twent, Leyden, August II, 1789, No. 4 (180 florins, Coders). 142*7. A Cart and Grey Horse outside a Cottage. Two peasants put a cask on the cart. Farther back are other figures and accessories. Panel, 15^ inches by 22^ inches. Sale. A. Delfos and others, The Hague, June 10, 1807, No. 89. 142^. Scene outside an Inn. Two butchers lead a steer. Various spectators. Panel, 18 inches by 24 inches. Sale. Florsheim and others, Berlin, April 29, 1902, No. 121. 142*:. The Carcase of an Ox. It hangs in a cottage. Sale. Heirs of Caspar Netscher, A. Schouman, and others, The Hague, July 15, 1749 (Terw. 57), No. 84 No. 225 in the original catalogue (15 florins). id. The Carcase Of an Ox. It hangs from a beam in a cottage. Two women clean the offal, and two children play with the bladder. Accessories. Sale. Amsterdam, June 21, 1797, No. 159 (22 florins 10, Spaan). 142*. The Carcase of an Ox. It hangs from a beam in a slaughter- house. Panel, 19 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 22, 1809, No. 98 (5 florins). 143. Killing a Calf. Sm. 15. To the left is a cottage with a high vine-trellis extending to the right. A peasant leads a calf out at the door. Another man, standing back to the right, swings his axe to kill it. Several persons look on. Panel, 14 inches by 16^ inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiostte, ii. 1 06, 113, 284. Engraved in the Poullain Gallery, No. 70. Sales. Poullain, Paris, March 15, 1780 (1070 francs). Langraff, Paris, 1784 (899 francs). Laborde, Paris, June 14, 1784 (800 francs). Chevalier Lambert et Du Porail, Paris, March 27, 1787 (900 francs). Amsterdam, July 13, 1799 (37 6 florins, Yver). J. L. Laneuville, Paris, November 6, 1811.