Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/51

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ix FRANS HALS 3I head is inclined to the right but faces left. She wears a dark cap and jacket, showing the white undergarment at her neck. She looks up to the left. At her right is a basket which she holds with her left arm. On her right hand she holds something that looks like a fish. In the right back- ground are houses. Cloudy sky. Canvas, 26 inches by 22 inches. Exhibited at Diisseldorf, 1904, No. 318. Sale. Gsell, Vienna, March 14, 1872, No. 41. In the collection of the late A. von Carstanjen, Berlin. in. A FISHER-GIRL WITH A FLAT BASKET. Half- length. She is seen in full face, and looks sharply at the spectator. Her hands are not visible. She has a dark dress with white at the neck, and carries a flat basket on her head. 9! inches by 7^ inches. In the possession of the Amsterdam dealers F. Mailer, 1903. In a private Swedish collection. 112. A Woman selling Anchovies. [Possibly identical with H2a; pendant to 55.] 34 inches by 26 inches. Sale. Gerard Vervoort, Brussels, September 19, 1746 (Terw. 45), No. 49 (49 florins, with pendant). ii2tf. A Woman selling Herrings. [Possibly identical with 112.] 33! inches by 27^ inches. Sale. Rotterdam, July 20, 1768, No. 2 (140 florins, Verhaag). 112^. A Fisherwoman. Bold and loose in style. [Pendant to 146^.] Panel, 12 inches by io| inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 113 (5 florins, with pendant, Delfos). 113. A Young Girl. Half-length. She wears a fisherman's hat. [Pendant to 57.] Panel, 25! inches by 20 inches. Sale. J. van der Velden, Amsterdam, December 3, 1781, No. 29 (28 florins 10, with pendant, Bernard). 1130. A Merry Fisherwoman. Canvas, 32! inches by 25^ inches. Sale. W. Wreesman Borghartz, Amsterdam, April 11, 1816, No. 70 (35 florins). 114. A WOMAN SELLING HERRINGS. B. 51. In a dune landscape, a girl seen to the knees sits facing three-quarters right. She smiles and looks to the right. On her lap she holds with her left hand a wooden tub of herrings. She holds a fish in her right hand, which rests on the edge of the tub. She wears a red bodice, a white scarf, and a black cap. In the left distance is the sea. To the right are high dunes on