Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/510

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496 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. 184^. A Domestic Scene. In an interior are a woman washing, a man playing the triangle, and a child. Panel, 1 1 inches by gi inches. Sale. B. G. Roelofs, Amsterdam, April 2, 1873, No. 14. 184^. A Grey-Haired Peasant Couple by the Fireside. The old man holds a pipe. Near them is a cradle. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 14^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. Ruelens, Brussels, April 17, 1883, No. 206. 185. A PEASANT FAMILY. In an interior an old woman washes, and an old man sharpens a knife. At the back are three children at play. 15^ inches by i8 inches. Sale. Philips-Neven, Cologne, March 24, 1892, No. 94 (470 mark). 1 86. The Interesting Picture. A man and woman seated on a wooden bench look at a picture. Behind them is another figure. Near the old woman is a little girl. Behind her is a child being fed. In front a toper raises his glass and sings. Signed on the right at foot, in half-erased letters ; panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. In the Boissiere collection. Sale. Martinet, Paris, February 27, 1896, No. 34. i86tf. A Domestic Scene. In a poorly furnished cottage interior an old woman sews. A peasant, seated with a dog on his knee, fills his pipe. Another man stands drinking from a jug. Panel, 9^ inches by n inches. Sale. Delitt and others, Cologne, February 5, 1900, No. 50. 187. A PEASANT FAMILY. In a large barn. A woman washes celery. She is surrounded by her three children, her husband, and her son. Various accessories on the floor. Panel, 12^ inches by 16 inches. Sale. V. Phaland and others, Amsterdam, April 24, 1906, No. 104 (630 florins, Goedhart). 1 88. PEASANTS AT TABLE IN A BARN. Some think it an early work by Adriaen, but the signature seems to be genuine. Signed indistinctly on the right ; panel, II inches by 15 inches. Exhibited at Leipzig, 1889, No. 175. In the collection of Alfred Thieme, Leipzig. In the collection of Julius Otto Gottschald, Leipzig, 1901 catalogue, No. 21 ; bequeathed to the Town Museum in 1903. In the Leipzig Town Museum, Gottschald bequest, 1903 catalogue, No. 800. i88tf. Peasants eating and drinking in a Room. Panel, 9 inches by 13 inches. Sale. F. I. Dufresne, Amsterdam, August 22, 1770, No. 310.