Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/533

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 244^. The Inn. In front drunken peasants sit at a table drinking and smoking. At the back others play the bagpipes and sing. Panel, 12^ inches by i6 inches. Sale. P. J. and B. van der Muelen of Coblenz, Amsterdam, August 22, 1850, No. 55. 244*. Peasants drinking and smoking. In a cottage room. A stout bald-headed man sits on the right. Signed in full ; panel, 17 inches by 23^ inches. In the Hudtwalcker collection, Hamburg, 1861 (Parthey ii. 209). 244/ Peasants carousing. In a barn. Panel, 18 inches by 14^ inches. Sale. Vienna, December 14, 1870, No. 124. 244^. Peasants smoking and carousing. In an inn. Canvas, 9 inches by 12 inches. Sale. B. G. Roelofs, Amsterdam, April 2, 1873, No. 48. 244/2. Five Peasants carousing and smoking. In a village inn. On the right, through an open window, is a sunlit passage. Signed with the forged signature, "A. van Ostade" ; canvas, 14 inches by n^ inches. Sale. The Hague, January 31, 1877, No. 42. 245. Peasants carousing and smoking. In a room with beams supporting the thatched roof is a group of about ten peasants drinking and smoking round a wood fire. Behind him, in front of an oven, three children eat broth. A man with a fiddle enters at the door. To the left, in shadow near an overturned chair, is a pig ; on the right a dog lies on a board, gnawing a bone. Signed in full on a chair, and dated 163- (1633, according to Eudel) ; panel, 17 inches by 23 inches. Mentioned by Paul Eudel, VHotel Drouot en 1883, p. 346. Sale. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 21, 1883, No. 83 (1810 francs). 246. PEASANTS AND WOMEN CAROUSING AND SMOKING. They sit in a cottage. In the right foreground are a wheel, a jug, and a basket. The principal figure is that of a man standing in profile who looks to the right. Behind him, to the left, a man sits astride on a bench, filling his pipe. On the right sits a man holding a short clay pipe in his right hand and supporting a little girl on his right knee. On the right near him a woman raises a jug and drinks. Between her and the man stands a peasant with a glass in the left hand. Farther to the right is another group of four persons. In front sits a man, seen from the back ; beside him is another, also seen almost from the back j to the left, behind him, a woman holds out to him a glass in her left hand ; to the right, beside her, stands a laughing man. Fine colouring. The composition, except for the three figures on the extreme right, is almost exactly the same as in Adriaen van Ostade, 605, which is signed, and dated 1642 or 1643.