Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/558

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544 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. 3180. Interior with Various Figures. Sale. Haarlem, April 12, 1740, No. 79. 318^. A Cottage Interior with Figures. Panel, 22 inches by 28 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 4, 1766, No. 76. 318^. Interior with Peasants. Sale. P. C. Druyvesteyn, Haarlem, April 26, 1768, No. 70 (3 florins 2, De Pester). 318^. Interior with Peasants. Sale. Fiseau, Fouquet, Wiedeman, and others, Amsterdam, October 1 2, 1768, No. 173 (4 florins 15). 318*. Interior with Peasants. Sale. J. M. Cok, Amsterdam, December 16, 1771, No. 149 (16 florins 10, Van der Schley). 3i8/ Peasants and Women in an Interior. 16 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 27, 1774, No. in. 318^. Interior with Peasants. Sale. J. de Moni, Leyden, April 17, 1784, No. 165 (14 florins 25, Kerk- hoven). 31 8A. A Cottage Interior with Figures. Various utensils and furniture. Loosely painted. Panel, 17^ inches by 15^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 16, 1792, No. 72 (2 florins, Stevens). 318;. A Cottage Interior. With a pump and utensils. In front are some hens. Well rendered. Panel, 12 inches by 12 inches. Sale. J. Wubbels, Amsterdam, July 1 6, 1792, No. 257 (4 florins, Fouquet). 3187. Interior with a Peasant Family. Sm. 28. [Pendant to 164^.] Circular panel, 7 inches across. Sale. Destouches, Paris, March 21, 1794. 3i8/. Interior with Several Figures. Panel, n inches by io inches. Sale. Van der Pot, Rotterdam, June 6, 1808, No. 97 (40 florins, Luchtmans). 3i8/. Interior with Peasants. Sale. The widow D. Heemskerk and others, Haarlem, May 26, 1809, No. 45. 3 1 8m. A Peasant Company in a Barn. Panel, 10 inches by 13 inches. Sale. J. Fokke, Amsterdam, June 29, 1814, No. 39 (4 florins 10, Gruyter).