Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/578

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564 ADRIAEN BROUWER SECT, CATALOGUE RAISONNE i- Christ among the Soldiery. Sale. Cornells Dusart, Haarlem, August 21, 1708, No. 357. Ecce Homo (Behold the Man). Canvas. In the collection left by Wallraf, Cologne, 1858, according to Parthey (i. 204); but not now to be found in the Wallraf-Richartz Museum. The Temptation of St. Anthony. Sale. Collection of P. P. Rubens, Antwerp, May 1641, No. 280 (Sm. Suppl. p. 364). ^l 30. The Temptation of St. Anthony. In a dark grotto, he prays with clasped hands before a skull, and is tormented by hideous figures. Panel, 10 inches by i inches. In the collection of the Comte de Vence, Paris. Sales. P. F. Tiberghien, Brussels, May 22, 1828, No. 30. Danoot, Brussels, December 22, 1828, No. 6. 4. St. Francis. He sits reading amid rocks. Near him is a table with writing materials. To the left is a crucifix. Engraved by W. Hollar as "The Great Francis" (Parthey, 163) and "The Little Francis" (Parthey, 164). A version of the same theme by Fr. van der Wijngaerde is signed by Brouwer only as " Inventor." 5. Mercury and Venus. Peasants. Sale. Amsterdam, May 4, 1706, No. 152. 6. The Seven Deadly Sins. PRIDE. Half- length. An old woman seated facing to the left. She wears a black silk dress with a white collar and cap. On a table in front of her are various articles of the toilet, jewels, and a mirror, at which she sets her white collar straight. Signed with the monogram to the right; oval panel, 7 inches by 5 jpfir inches. Another example, a replica or a copy, was in the Sales. Jean Henri Beissel, Brussels, April 6, 1875, No. 25 (600 francs). Etienne le Roy, Brussels, April 27, 1903, No. 12. A copy is in the Koblenz Town Museum, 1874 catalogue, No. 15. Engraved by L. Vorsterman (Hymans, 117), whose print was twice copied by Sebastien Vouillemont. In the Suermondt collection, Aachen; acquired in 1874 by the Berlin Royal Museums. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1906 catalogue, No. 7. ANGER. Half-length. An angry man turned three-quarters right, with his head in full face and his glance directed at the spectator. He