Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/58

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3 8 FRANS HALS SECT. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 300 Paintings," No. 48. In the possession of the Paris dealer E. Warneck. In the collection of Charles Stewart Smith, New York. 136. TWO BOYS SINGING. B. 33. Half-length. Both boys face right. One- holds a music-sheet ; the other standing behind him looks over at it. Both are apparently singing. Above them a beer-jug hangs on a nail. They are supposed to be the painter's sons. [Possibly identical with 136^. Pendant to 64.] Signed on the left at foot with the monogram, FHF ; canvas, 28 inches by 23^ inches. Sales. (Probably) P. van der Eyk, Leyden, November 28, 1769, No. 24 (21 florins, Van Leijden) said to measure 33 inches by 27 inches. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 169 (51 florins, Fouquet) said to measure 26^ inches by 22^ inches. Leyden, August 26, 1788, No. 49 (7 florins, Delfos). Coupry Dupre, Paris, February 21, 1811. In the collection of the Due d'Arenberg, Brussels; W. Burger's 1859 catalogue, No. 19. In the collection of the late C. T. Yerkes, New York, 1904 catalogue, No. 36. 1360. Three Musicians. The Dutch "bijzonder" leaves it doubt- ful whether the entry refers to three separate figures or to three especially good figures in one picture. Sale. (Supplementary) P. Scriverius, Amsterdam, August 8, 1663, No. 21 see Oud Holland, xii. 63. 136^. A Young Man playing the Bass -Viol and a Flute- Player. This may refer to one picture or to two. 29 inches by 24 inches. Sale. Gerard Sanders, Rotterdam, August 5, 1767 (Terw. 629), No. 22 or No 32 in the original catalogue (19 florins). 136^. A Flute-Player with his Girl. She holds a jug and a goblet. Panel, 24! inches by 21 inches. Sales. (Possibly) Antoni Bierens, Amsterdam, July 20, 1747 (Hoet, ii. 200), No. 25 (50 florins). Hendrik Verschuuring, The Hague, September 17, 1770, No. 78 (85 florins). . Heads of two Boys singing. In a round niche. Bold and loose in style. [Possibly identical with 136.] Sale. Jan Graham and others, The Hague, July 24, 1775, No. 74. 136*. A Youth with a Tambourine. Panel, 6 inches by 5 inches. Sale. Maria Theresia Wittebol and De Labistraeten, Antwerp, June 19, 1804, No. 71 (24 florins).