Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/584

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570 ADRIAEN BROUWER SECT. His right foot is outstretched. To the left of him stands the village surgeon, holding the man's head with his left hand and applying his forceps to the man's teeth with his right hand. On the right, behind the man, a woman sits looking on, with a boy. Near them is a wooden bench on which are pots of ointment and a jug. Nearer the front are three large jugs tied together on the floor j another jug stands by an open window to the left ; a cloth hangs over the shutter. On the wall at the back is a drawing of a head in profile to the left ; a peasant enters at a half-opened door on the right. Of the early period. Panel, 10 inches by i6| inches. A somewhat smaller replica, measuring 9^ inches by 12^ inches, has occurred in several sales ; it is uncertain whether the same picture was in all the following : Saks. G. Hoet, The Hague, August 25, 1760 (Terw. 227), No. 75 (240 florins, A. Schouman) described "as the best-known example" of Brouwer. Amsterdam, November 6, 1776, No. 8 1 (25 florins, De Borch). Engelberts and Tersteeg, Amsterdam, June 13, 1808, No. 20 (86 florins, Roos) described as a " spirited picture." H. Croese, Amsterdam, September 18, 1811, No. 15 (18 florins, Van der Voort). H. Croese, Amsterdam, July 20, 1812, No. 7 (18 florins, Alber- dingen) described as " spirited, original and very true to life." E. Habich, Kassel, May 9, 1892, No. 18 (310 marks). In the Karlsruhe Picture Gallery, 1894 catalogue, No. 191. 26. THE DENTIST. A dentist in a red jacket operates on a patient. In the background are two other figures. Very sketchy. In the collection of the late Marquis d'Aoust, St. Leger. 27. AT THE DENTIST'S. Three-quarter-length. He is draw- ing a man's tooth. Behind him a woman looks on. Signed on a cask on the right at foot with a monogram j panel, 9 inches by 6 inches. In the collection of Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna, 1885 catalogue, No. 539. zjaa A Man drawing a Tooth. In the inventory of the goods left by Magdalena van Rijn, Rembrandt's daughter-in-law, taken about October 21, 1669. 27/7. A Dentist. Sale. Ben Johan Furly, Rotterdam, March 31, 1739, No. 52 (n florins, C. Zohne). A Man drawing a Tooth. 7 inches by 6 inches. Sale. (Supplementary) J. B. Krauth and others, The Hague, October 7, 1771, No. 17 (34 florins, De Bon). At the Dentist's. A quack draws a molar tooth from a peasant's mouth. A boy sleeps on a cask. Drolly rendered and loosely painted. 27*. , 7 ,..