Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/600

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586 ADRIAEN BROUWER SECT. One hand is thrust into his doublet, which is open at the breast. Beside him sits another peasant, who looks astonished to see his companion's eyes closed. On a footstool are a napkin spread out and a pipe. Two other figures are by the hearth. Near the sleeper's feet are a jug and a white dog with black spots. Panel, i inches by 10 inches. Sale. Ruelens, Brussels, April 17, 1883, No. 43. a A Peasant asleep at the Beer-Table. Engraved by P. Fendi. 6;. A Peasant asleep on a Tub. At the back is a man. Engraved by J. Gronsvelt. 6jc. The Landlady asleep and Peasants. They have put a firework under her skirt and are about to light it. Engraved by W. Vaillant (Wessely, 175). A COTTAGE INTERIOR. With seven figures. On the left is a wooden partition with a drawing of a head in profile to the left. In front of it to the right a woman, seen in a three-quarter view to the right, sits on a wooden bench at a table. She leans back resting her right forearm on the table. She wears a bluish-grey skirt, a green jacket, and a white cap and apron. On the right behind her stands a man who grasps her with his left hand under her skirt. He wears a brownish-pink costume and a red cap. On the right, behind the partition, a peasant's head peeps out. On the right is a group of four peasants. The nearest man, in grey-green, sits in profile to the right, holding a jug on his right knee with his left hand. Behind him sits a man facing right. Behind him to the left stands a man, facing left, but slightly bending forward. In the right background is another man, seen from the back with his head turned to the left. All four look at the couple. In the centre foreground is a three-legged stool with a jug and a white cloth on it ; on the floor in the left foreground is another jug. Panel, 9 inches by 13^ inches. Copies, in which the offensive man is left out, and which therefore probably date from the time at which the picture was repainted, are in the Helsingfors Museum, 1898 catalogue, No. 45, and in a private collection in Paris. Bought by Dirck Bleker some time before 1658 (for 150 or 200 florins) noted by Bredius. In the collection of A. Vollon, Paris. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of A. Bredius, The Hague. A COTTAGE INTERIOR. On the left a woman and a peasant sit on a platform in front of a wooden partition. She sits on a chair facing three-quarters left ; he is on a tub-chair with his right foot stretched out, facing the spectator. He tries with his right hand to grasp the woman under her skirt. She holds his wrist fast in her left hand, and pulls his hair with her right hand. On the platform is a jug which has fallen over and the contents of which run out. Behind to the left are a cask