Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/612

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f 598 ADRIAEN BROUWER SECT. pig and two children. In the left foreground a loving couple sit on a bench, seen from the back. Farther to the right stand another couple. On the left is a view of the village street, with horses and merry peasants, and a church with a belfry. Broad in proportion to its height. The original is lost. Described from a drawing of 1659 by Rubens's pupil M. van den Bergh, which is in the Berlin Print-room. Bode thinks that the original may have been the picture which Rubens bought in 1631 tee his Great Masters of Dutch and Flemish Painting, p. 277. 980. Peasants dancing in a Landscape. Sale. P. P. Rubens, Antwerp, May 1641, No. 283 (Sm. Suppl. p. 364). ^9S Jesters (Gecke Goden). Sale. Cornelis Dusart, Haarlem, August 21, 1708, No. 165. i- *" 9&. Sausage- Dealers on Shrove Tuesday. A very rich work. Sale. Cornelis van Dijck, The Hague, May 10, 1713 (Hoet. i. 167), No. 95 (40 florins). 98^. Rommelpot-Players. Sale. The Hague, May 3, 1729 (Terw. 9), No. 123 (20 florins). 98*. A Country Fair. 8 inches by 8| inches. Sale. The widow of Herman Schuurman, Rotterdam, April 2, 1739, No. 18 (97 florins, Quakkesteyn). 987. Peasants rejoicing in the Sound of the Rommelpot. 7| inches by 6 inches. Sales. The widow of Herman Schuurman, Rotterdam, April 2, 1739, No. 19 (5 florins 10, Johannes van Bennekom). M. van Hoeken and Th. Hartsoeker, The Hague, May i, 1742 (Hoet, ii. 58), No. 64 but No. 75 of the original catalogue (7 florins 5, Van Dijk). 98^. Twelfth Night. Peasants singing and drinking. Panel, 15^ inches by 2o| inches but 33^ inches wide, according to Terw. In the collection of W. Lormier, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 418) ; he had bought it from Jaques de Roore, The Hague (for 190 florins), according to his store-room catalogue of December 1754, No. 37. Sate.W. Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763 (Terw. 316), No. 38 (400 florins). 98^. Shrove Tuesday. Panel, 6 inches by 8 inches. Sale. The widow of P. Ploos van Amstel and others, The Hague, May 4, 1778, No. 23 (i florin, Schouman). 98;. Rustic Amusements. Signed with the monogram ; panel, ii inches by 10 inches.