Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/625

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xii ADRIAEN BROUWER 611 / 136^. Peasants smoking. 4! inches by 4 inches. In the collection of Nicolaas van Breemen, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 484). 136*. Peasants singing and carousing. One is seated. Copper, 7^ inches by 8 inches. In the collection of Willem Lormier, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 418). 136/1 Peasants smoking. In the collection of Reyersbergen van Cauwerven, Middelburg, 1752 {Hoet, ii. 575). 136^. Drunken Peasants. In the collection of Arnoud Leers, Rotterdam, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 525). 136^. Peasants smoking. A small picture. Sale. Fr. Decker, Haarlem, August 29, 1752, No. 69. i36/'. Peasants smoking. 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 5, 1754, No. 9. 1367. Peasants smoking. 12 inches by 21^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May ii, 1756, No. 76 (5 florins 15). 136^. Three Peasants smoking. A small picture. Sale. Wannaar and others, Amsterdam, May 17, 1757, No. 71. " "*" 1367. Drunken Peasants. Sale. W. van Grondesteyn and others, Rotterdam, March 30, 1758, . No. 49. 136^. Three Peasants drinking. [Pendant to No. 69 of the sale.] Sale. Sonne and others, Amsterdam, July 5, 1759, No."68 (2 florins, with pendant). "~ 137. A Peasant smoking and drinking. At the back, peasants converse by the fire. 9j inches by 13 inches. Sale. A. van Kinschot, Rotterdam, September 20, 1756 (Terw. 163), No. 54 but No. 46 of the original catalogue (34 florins, Colle). 137^. Peasants smoking. Very good. 9| inches by 8^ inches. Sale. G. Hoet, The Hague, August 25, 1760 (Terw. 227), No. 76 (170 florins, Yver).

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137^. A Company of Drunken Peasants. Very good, ii inches by 10 inches.