Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/627

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xii ADRIAEN BROUWER 613 Panel, 13 inches by 19^ inches. Sale. F. I. Dufresne, Amsterdam, August 22, 1770, No. 247. 139. Interior with Four Peasants. One lights his pipe. Another, who fills his pipe, speaks to a third man seated at a table. The characters are very vividly rendered. Panel, 10 inches by 7 inches. Sale. G. Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 298 (100 florins, Maclaine). 1390. A Merry Company of Peasants. In a room, a merry peasant sits holding a cap in one hand and a wooden mug in the other. Farther away are men smoking and drinking at a table. Two boys and two girls are by the fire. Cottage accessories. Very well finished. Panel, 12^ inches by 19 inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 39 (25 florins, Coolers). 1 39/>. The Smoking Party. Round a table are three figures ; one holds a glass. Farther back are two boys. One stands on a cask to reach a pot on the chimney-piece. Natural, expressive, and lightly handled. Panel, 8| inches by I2| inches. Sale. Van Schorel, Antwerp, June 7, 1774, No. 122. 139*:. The Topers. An old man kneeling behind a cask offers a glass of beer to a simpleton who seems very thirsty. Another old man laughs at him. At the back are other figures. One of Brouwer's best pictures. Panel, about 8 inches by io| inches. Sale. G. J. de Servais, Malines, July 21, 1775, No. 12. 139^. Six Peasants smoking. In a kitchen. One blows out a cloud of smoke. Vigorously painted and good in colour. One of Brouwer's best pictures. Panel, about 5^ inches by 7^ inches. In the collection of Prince de Rubempre. Sales. Ghent, September 23, 1777, No. 66. J. Clemens, Ghent, June 21, 1779, No. 49. 139*. Two Peasants smoking. Sale. C. Elout, Haarlem, April 4, 1780, No. 52 (2 florins). 139/1 Peasants singing and drinking. [Pendant to No. 4 of the inventory.] Panel, about 15 inches by 22^ inches. In the Schloss Altstadt, Kassel, 1783 inventory, No. 5 ; but no longer at Kassel. 139^. A Peasant smoking. With two other figures. Panel, about 12 J inches by 9^ inches. In the Schloss Altstadt, Kassel, 1783 inventory, No. 102 ; but no longer at Kassel.