Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/63

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ix FRANS HALS 43 milkmaid carrying full pails on a yoke. She wears a red hat with a white feather, and laughingly supports the marksman's elbows. Panel, 40 (?) inches by 28^ inches. In the collection of P. von Semeonoff, St. Petersburg, 1906 catalogue, No. 187*. 142*7. A Brothel Scene. Mentioned in the inventory of Fran9ois Tartarolis, Leyden, 1656 noted by A. Bredius. 142^. A Sempstress with an Old Man. Mentioned among pictures given by Martinus Birrius on July 9, 1678, in payment of a debt of 278 florins noted by A. Bredius. 142*:. A Merry Couple. The artist embracing his wife in a room. Many accessories. II inches by 9 inches. Sale. Joan Willem Frank, The Hague, April 5, 1762 (Terw. 248), No. 45 (10 florins 5) or in the original catalogue, No. 90 (6 florins 5). 142^. A Merry Couple. Half-length. A peasant woman holding a jug, and a peasant with a glass who wants to drink her health. Panel, 39 inches by 28^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 4, 1766, No. 36. 142-?. A Company. Eight persons standing or seated at a table. Panel, 24 inches by 32^ inches. Sale. Aegidius Laurens Tolling, Amsterdam, November 21, 1768, No. 24 (9 florins 5, Quinkhard). 143. A Merry Company. A woman with a dish of sausage, and other jovial figures. Masterly in treatment. Canvas, 27 inches by 2o| inches. Sale. A. B., Leyden, October 30, 1770, No. 2 (25 florins). 143*7. Three Peasants and a Woman eating and drinking at a Table. Canvas, 25^ inches by 30 inches. Sale.G. ]. de Servais, Malines, July 21, 1775, No. 59 (56 florins). 143^. A Quack-Doctor. Surrounded by figures. 25 inches by 19 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 119-20. Sale. Madame Lenglier, Paris, March 10, 1788 (89 francs). 143^. The Unbecoming Passion. An old woman, with money and a jewelled ring, tries to seduce a young man who plays a guitar. Canvas, 32 inches by 26 inches. From the description this is probably the picture by Judith Leyster, cata- logued as by J. van Boeckhorst, in the Palazzo Corsini, Rome ; see Alinan's photograph No. 8107. Sale. Amsterdam, December 6, 1797, No. 150 (3 florins 75, Coders).