Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/630

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616 ADRIAEN BROUWER SECT. wooden fence, outside a house. Vividly characterised and charmingly painted. Panel, 12 inches by 16 inches. Sale, J. Lauwers and others, Amsterdam, December 13, 1802, No. 23. 144^. Peasants drinking and smoking. In a room. Thin and warm in style. Panel, 1 1 inches by 8 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 8, 1804, No. 20 (22 florins, Gruijter). 144^. A Smoker and a Toper. In a room two peasants sit at a cask. One holds a glass ; the other lights his pipe. Behind them is a maid-servant. Panel, 1 3^ inches by 1 1 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, May 7, 1804, No. 14. Amsterdam, July 10, 1805, No. 18 (20 florins, La Fontaine). j.5. Three Peasants. One lights his pipe. Another man hands a glass of spirits to the third man who looks out at the door. Sale. London, June 13, 1807, No. 25 (49 : 75.). 145*7. Two Smokers. Half-length. A merry peasant, holding a beer-jug, blows out a cloud of smoke. Another man sits beside him, smoking. Spirited in expression and masterly in execution. Panel, 7 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Jos. Valette and others, Amsterdam, August 26, 1807, No. 23 (26 florins). 145^. Interior with Peasants. One holds a jug and embraces a woman. Another smokes. The third man is at the back. In front are various domestic utensils of wood and copper. All are excellently rendered. Of the artist's good period. Sale. H. Rereaux, Antwerp, January 2, 1810, No. 10. i45<r. Two Pictures of Peasants smoking and drinking. Panel, 6 inches by 5^ inches. Sale. T. P. C. Haag, The Hague, December 21, 1812, No. 26 (4 florins, Schoor). /. Two Peasants smoking. They sit in an interior. Spirited. Panel, 1 1 inches by 8 J inches. Sale. W. Wreesman, Amsterdam, April 1 1, 1816, No. 27 (42 florins, Roos). 145*. Three Peasants drinking and smoking. In a room. To the left are various building tools. The figures are full of expression and are painted in a broad and transparent style. Panel, about 20 inches by 15 inches. Salt. Breda, August 23, 1817, No. 4. I45/ Peasants smoking in an Interior. One blows out a cloud of smoke. Another fills his pipe. Fine colour, very good expression ; a grotesque picture.