Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/648

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634 ADRIAEN BROUWER SECT. _ 176;'. Two Peasants fighting. By a table with a beer-jug on it. Panel, 7 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 30, 1780, No. 10 (2 florins 15, Stip). 176^. Peasants fighting. In a room. [Pendant to 87*.] Panel, 9^ inches by -] inches. Sales. B. C. Thienpont, The Hague, March 28, 1778, No. 12 (10 florins). P. Bout, The Hague, April 20, 1779, No. 89 (70 florins, with pendant). 1767. Two Peasants fighting. They have come to blows over the cards and stand with their knives drawn. Other men, with hayforks and sticks, come to stop the fight. On the right, near the hearth, are various utensils, copper pans, pots, and so on. Panel, i8 inches by 29! inches. Sale. P. Lyonet, Amsterdam, April II, 1791, No. 29(16 florins 10, Voogt). 176^. Four Men fighting. In a room. Their lively expressions and the truth and delicacy of the work are surprising. Panel, 9^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. The dowager Peytier de Merckten, Antwerp, August 3, 1791, No. 18 (8 florins 50, Bernaerts of Malines). 17677. Peasants fighting. Examples, the size and material of which are not given, occurred in the Sales. P. P. Rubens, Antwerp, May 1641, No. 272 (Sm. Suppl. 364). Jan de Wale, Amsterdam, May 12, 1706 (Hoet, i. 93), No. 7 (395 florins). Pictures from the Castle of Loo, Amsterdam, July 26, 1713, No. 44 (410 florins). An example was in the collection of GrifHer Fagel, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 410) ; possibly it was that sold in the Fagel sale, London, May 22, 1801, No. 23 (19 : 195.) noted by Buchanan (i. 303). 177. Six Peasants fighting. At the back a blind man, a woman, and a child go away. A landscape with ruins and buildings. [Pendant to No. 1 20 of the sale.] Panel, 19 inches by 15 inches. Sale. J. A. de Silvestre, Paris, February 28, 1811, No. 119 (134 francs, with pendant). 177*. Peasants fighting. At an inn, over cards. Full of life and expression. Panel, 15^ inches by 13^ inches. Sale. Rotterdam, April 25, 1817, No. 160 (40 florins, Van Hattum). 177^. Peasants fighting. ii inches by 13^ inches. Sales. Ewout van Dishoek, The Hague, June 9, 1745 (Hoet, ii. 175), No. 101 (36 florins, bought in). Ewout van Dishoek, Amsterdam, November 6, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 280), No. 58 but No. 60 of the original catalogue (21 florins, C. van Noorde).