Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/65

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ix FRANS HALS 45 Sale. Amsterdam, September 12, 1708 (Hoet, i. 127), No. 45 but in the original catalogue No. 53 (80 florins). 1457. A Company of Peasants. Sale. De la Faille, The Hague, April 24, 1730 (Hoet, i. 347), No. 7 (13 florins). 145^. A Company. [Pendant to 1457.] 10 inches by 15 inches. Sale. A. and S. de Groot, The Hague, March 20, 1771, No. 138 (50 florins, with pendant, Roewalt). 1457. A Company. [Pendant to 145^.] 10 inches by 15 inches. Sale. A. and S. de Groot, The Hague, March 20, 1771, No. 139 (50 florins, with pendant, Roewalt). 146. A Company of Lovers. Sale. Antwerp, July 30, 1812, No. 74. 1460. A Merry Company. Canvas, 18 inches by 19^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 9, 1818, No. 21 (n florins 5, Van Eyck). 146^. A Company of Peasants. Canvas, 39^ inches by 59 inches. Sale. J. Verkolje, Rijnzaterwoude, July 14, 1828, No. 24. 146^. A Peasant with a Boy. Canvas, 26 inches by 21 inches. Sale. J. van der Veen, Amsterdam, April 14, 1851, No. 113. 146*7. An Interior. Loose and bold in style. [Pendant to 112^.] Panel, 12 inches by io| inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 113 (5 florins, with pendant, Delfos). 146*. Interior. Panel, 16 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Mile. Helene Kerry, Antwerp, September 18, 1848, No. 67. 147. PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER. B. 140 ; M. 37- Half-length. A man seated in an arm-chair, turned to the right with his head facing the spectator. His face is fresh-coloured. His right upper arm rests on the red arm of the chair, and his right hand holds a paint- brush. He is in black with a grey cloak over his left shoulder, and a broad white collar and cuffs. His black hat is turned up on the right. A column on a base stands to the right. [Compare 278 and 325.] Signed on the right at foot, "F. H. 1635"; canvas, 39 J inches by 32^ inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1882, No. 87.