Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/660

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64 6 ADRIAEN BROUWER SECT. 196*. A Flute-Player. [Pendant to 203^.] A small picture. Sale. Count van Hogendorp, The Hague, July 27, 1751 (Hoet, ii. 302), No. 41 (12 florins 25, with pendant). I96/ A Peasant singing. Half-length. He sits on a chair, holding a sheet of music in one hand. Well painted. Panel, 6 inches by 5 inches. S^.Huybert Ketelaar, Amsterdam, June 19, 1776, No. 37 (5 florins 75, Coders). 196^. A Merry Peasant playing the Violin. Panel, 10 inches by 7 inches. Sale. Caspar van Citters, Rotterdam, July I, 1811, No. 130. 196/1 and i. A Peasant singing. [Two pendants.] Panel. Sale. Laurent Leyssens, Amsterdam, August 27, 1817, No. 79. 1967. A Peasant singing. The following may or may not be identical : Srf/kr. Amsterdam, May 17, 1715 (Hoet, i. 185), No. 10 (120 florins). A. J. Petit, Malines, July 5, 1826, No. 148 ; on panel. 197. A Man playing the Violin. On the table in front of him are a glass of wine and a pipe. Vigorously painted. Panel, 8 inches by 7 inches. Sale. H. de Valk Fijkosz, Amsterdam, June 24, 1833, No. 8 (6175 florins (?), A. Wolff). 1970. A Merry Toper. Half-length; life-size. A man with a merry air sits on an old chair. He lifts up a large wine-glass in his right hand and holds a music -sheet in his left. Broad and natural in style. Fine character. Canvas, 34 inches by 32 inches. Sale. E. P. Cremer, Middelburg, May 17, 1847, No. n. 197*. A Guitar-Player. It is uncertain whether the following are or are not identical : Sales. P. P. Rubens, Antwerp, May 1641, No. 282 (Sm. Suppl. 364). Stadnisky and Muller, Amsterdam, May 16, 1831, No. 15 (26 florins, with pendant, Leembruggen) ; 5^ inches by 4^ inches, pendant to ^^zd. In the Georgengarten, Dessau, 1859 (Parthey, i. 207). 198.. The Singer. Half-length. A man with a soft hat, that has slipped down over his nose, reads a song which he holds in his hand. Circular panel, inches across. ale. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 223. igbV/. A Violin-Player singing. P'knel, 9^ inches by ~] inches. Sale. Balthasar Schmidt, Berlin, June 20, 1891, No. 15.