Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/678

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66 4 ADRIAEN BROUWER SECT. round a fire. In the distance is the tower of Antwerp, with the moon behind it. Ascribed to D. Teniers, but almost certainly by A. Brouwer. Panel, 24 inches by 35 inches. In the Hamburg Kunsthalle, 1887 catalogue, No. 176; catalogued as by D. Teniers the younger. --435. A WOODLAND SCENE. To the right is a wood. Between the tree-trunks is seen a cottage. In the left middle distance is another cottage, on a road leading from the left foreground across the dunes to the sea. On the road in front are a man, a woman, and a dog. From the right foreground a second road runs to join the first in the middle distance ; near the junction are several sheep. On the sea are vessels. Brilliant local colours. A strong brownish-green in the foliage, red in the cottage-roof, a dark blue in the water, and a light blue in the sky, which is covered with white clouds on the horizon. Formerly ascribed to Jacob van Ruisdael and bearing his forged monogram. Loose in style and well handled. One of the best pictures of this kind. Panel, 15 inches by 16 inches. Exhibited at the sixth International Art Exhibition, Munich, 1892. Purchased in 1891 from the Paris dealer E. Warneck. In the collection of the late Alfred Thieme, Leipzig, Bode's 1900 catalogue, No. 10. 236. LANDSCAPE. A hilly country with polled trees and a cottage. Surrounded with a wreath of flowers and fruit by Daniel Seghers. The landscape is charming, and one of Brouwer's best works of this kind. Formerly ascribed to Rembrandt. Bought by Lord Ellesmere in Russia (Waagen, ii. 45). In the collection of the Earl of Ellesmere, Bridgewater House, London, No. 129. 237. LANDSCAPE WITH A POOL. On the right is a pool, with somewhat steep banks to the left and at the back. In the centre foreground three fishermen are busy with their nets, and a man stands by a tub. In the left foreground are high trees, with bushes behind them to the right. In the centre distance is a village, with a lofty church-tower. In the right background are more trees. Strong evening light. The figures were ascribed to Teniers and the landscape to Rembrandt, but both are unquestionably by Brouwer. It is his largest but not his best landscape. Canvas, 43 inches by 62 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (ii. 166, and Suppl. 92). In the collection of the Duke of Westminster, London, 1888 catalogue, No. 83. 238. LANDSCAPE BY MOONLIGHT. In the centre is a farm, with a cottage to the left, and trees in the right foreground. In the left foreground stands a man. In the collection of the late Maurice Kann, Paris. 239. A WOODLAND SCENE. Slightly rising ground, with a tree in the middle and a wood at the back. In the left foreground is a