Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/71

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ix FRANS HALS 5I and looking at the spectator. She leans her left hand on the arm of her chair and holds her gloves in her right hand. She wears a dark dress trimmed with fur, a white ruff, and a close-fitting white linen cap. [Pendant to 157.] Signed on the left with the monogram, and inscribed, "AETAT SVAE 72 AN 1643 " ; canvas, 48 inches by 38^ inches. Exhibited by the London dealers T. Agnew and Sons, November and December 1906. Exhibited at the Hudson-Fulton Celebration, Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1909, No. 34. Sale. Odier, Paris, March 25, 1861. In the collection of Count Andre Mniszech, Paris. In the collection of J. Pierpont Morgan ; exhibited on loan in the Metro- politan Museum, New York. 159. Johannes Bogaert (1554-1614), Preacher at Haarlem. M. 19. Half-length. The man faces three-quarters right, and looks to the left past the spectator. His right hand, with the fingers spread out, lies on his breast. In his outstretched left he holds an open book. He has a moustache and pointed whiskers. He wears a small black cap, a fur- trimmed gown, and a low ruff. Inscribed, according to the print, " Dum vixit aetat. LX A XVI C (or 1614). See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 815. Described from a print of 1628 by Jan van de Velde ; the original is lost. 1 60. Pieter Christiaensz Bor (1559-1635), Historian. M. 20. In a painted oval, half-length. An old man seen in a three-quarter view to the right. His head is almost in full face j he looks at the spec- tator. He wears a black cap and a black costume with a ruff. His right hand, which is alone visible, holds a pen. Signed on the right with the monogram ; inscribed on the oval, "-#Lta. 75 Ano 1634"; panel, 9^ inches by 8 inches. Engraved by A. Matham. There are copies : (i) In the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam, 1907 cata- logue, No. 107 presented by T. Humphry Ward, 1895 ; (2) in the possession of a Paris dealer, on copper, 10 inches by 9^ inches; (3) in the collection of Counts E. and V. Bloudoff, St. Petersburg, without the painted oval, and signed with the monogram. The original was burnt in the fire of 1864 at the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam. 161. PIETER VAN DEN BROECKE of Antwerp (1585- 1641), Director at Surat. B. 67 ; M. 21. Half-length, life size. A man seated in a chair to the right, with his head and shoulders turned to the front. He looks past the spectator. His dark curly hair is somewhat untidy. He has a fair pointed beard and moustache. He is in black with a lace collar and lace wristbands, and a triple gold chain across his breast. He leans his left fist on his thigh and his right hand on a stick. Canvas, 26^ inches by 2i| inches.