Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/84

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64 FRANS HALS SECT. golden girdle. She is in black relieved with an insertion at the neck, and wears a white lace-trimmed cap, a ruff, and lace-trimmed wristbands. In the right-hand top corner hangs her coat-of-arms bearing a cock a later addition. [Pendant to 208. Compare 383.] Inscribed on the left, "jETAT. SV^E 19 (and under this) AN 1625 " ; canvas, 48 J inches by 38^ inches. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 3134. Sale. Amsterdam, May 16, 1877, No. 10 (19,580 florins, with pendant, bought in). Bought for The Hague Gallery in 1880 from the Van Sypestein family, with the pendant (for 10,000 florins). In the Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague, 1907 catalogue, No. 460. 210. PIETER JACOBSZ OLYCAN (1572-1658), Burgomaster of Haarlem, and father of Jacob Pietersz Olycan. M. 60. Half-length ; life size. An old man, turned three-quarters right, looks at the spectator. His left hand is thrust into his doublet, leaving only the thumb and wrist visible ; the right hand is not shown. He has grey hair, and a grey moustache and pointed beard. He wears a black costume trimmed with fur, a white ruff, and apparently a white wristband on the left arm. The name of the sitter is known from an inscription on the back and from the coat-of-arms which was painted out. [Pendant to 211.] Panel, 26^ inches by 22| inches. Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 5540, I, mentions a portrait of this man by F. Hals in the collection of Arthur Sanderson, Edinburgh. [Compare note to 212.] Exhibited at the Guildhall, London, 1906, No. 8 1. Mentioned in the inventory of his daughter Geertruyd Olycan, widow of Jacob Benningh, Haarlem, November II, 1666 noted by A. Bredius. In the possession of Sir G. Donaldson, London. In the collection of Vernon Watney, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire. 211. MARIA CLAESDR. VOOGT (1577-1644), wife of Pieter Jacobsz Olycan, and mother of Jacob Pietersz Olycan. M. 61. Half- length. She is seen almost in full face, but slightly turned to the left, and looks at the spectator. Her right hand, holding a metal-covered book, is only half visible ; the left hand is not shown. She wears a white cap, a ruff, and a black silk dress with a fur-trimmed cloak. The name of the sitter is known from an inscription on the back and from the coat-of-arms. [Pendant to 210.] Panel, 26^ inches by 22j inches. Exhibited at the Guildhall, London, 1906, No. 86.- Mentioned in the inventory of her daughter Geertruyd Olycan, widow of Jacob Benningh, Haarlem, November 1 1, 1666 noted by A. Bredius. In the possession of Sir G. Donaldson, London. In the collection of Vernon Watney, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire. 212. MARIA CLAESDR. VOOGT (1577-1644). B. i8;M.62. Three-quarter-length. She sits in an arm-chair, almost in full face, but slightly inclined to the left, and looks at the spectator. Her left forearm rests on the only arm of the chair. In her right hand she holds a book