Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/111

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xm JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 97 298^. A Hilly Landscape with a Waterfall. Buildings. Especially well painted. 30^ inches by 39 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 22, 1757, No. 10 (148 florins). 298^. A Hilly Landscape with a Waterfall. Buildings. 38^ inches by 51 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 22, 1757, No. 13 (132 florins). 298*. A Good Landscape with a Waterfall. Very careful. 27! inches by 2i inches. Sale. I. Clockener and others, Amsterdam, January 15, 1759, No. 7.

298/ A Hilly Landscape with a Waterfall. 27 inches by 22^- inches. Sale. I. Clockener and others, Amsterdam, January 15, 1759, No. 33- 298^. Landscape with a Waterfall. One of the best pictures of a waterfall known to be his. 43 inches by 52 inches. Sale. Gerard Hoet, The Hague, August 25, 1760 (Terw. 230), No. 122 (185 florins, Donkers of Brussels). 298^. Landscape with a Waterfall. Very natural. 32^ inches by 38 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 16, 1760, No. 14 (15 florins, Hazebroek). 298;'. A Mountain Landscape with a Fine Waterfall. The waterfall is in front. It is crossed by a small bridge, over which go a man and a woman. Canvas, 31 inches by 37^ inches. Sale. Johan Verkolje, Amsterdam, October 24, 1763, No. 38 (120 florins, Fouquet). 298^. A Hilly Landscape with a Waterfall. Canvas, 49 inches by 54^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 23, 1764, No. 59 (206 florins, Fouquet). 2987. A Small Landscape with a Waterfall. Catalogued as by J. Ruisch. Canvas. Sale. Amsterdam, June 5, 1765 (Terw. No. 463), No. 125 (10 florins 5). 299. Landscape with a Waterfall In front are figures at work. In the middle distance two shepherds drive sheep through a stream. The figures are by A. van de Velde. Highly finished and vigorous. Canvas, i6 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Antony Sijdervelt, Amsterdam, April 23, 1766 (Terw. 519), No. 48, (115 florins, Cramer). 299*7. Landscape with a Waterfall and a Stream. Very good. VOL. IV H