Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/118

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io 4 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 305. A Wooded Mountain Landscape with a Waterfall. The fall is in front. A river flows through the landscape. On the bank stands a man fishing ; other persons speak to a woman who sits on the ground with her child. To the right amid hills is a high bridge. In the distance are houses and other accessories. Canvas, 32^ inches by 40 inches. Sale, J. Witsen, Amsterdam, August 16, 1790, No. 54 (255 florins, Yver). 305^7. A Waterfall. [Probably identical with 266.] 41 inches by 34 inches. Sale. The Hague, November 16, 1790, No. 10 (900 florins, Lockhorst). 305^ and c. Two Landscapes with Waterfalls. Cottages. A hut stands near a placid sheet of water. Panel. Sale. J. van Dijk, Amsterdam, March 14, 1791, No. 48 (36 florins 10, Fouquet). 305^. A Norwegian Hill Landscape with a Waterfall. The fall is in front. A river and tall trees. On a hill are a cottage and felled trees, with figures. Canvas, 41 inches by 56^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 14, 1791, No. 125. 305*. A Northern Hill Landscape with a High Waterfall. The fall is between rocks in front. Trees, high hills, travellers. Canvas, 40 inches by 32^ inches. Sale. J. Rendorp, Amsterdam, July 9, 1794, No. 49 (175 florins, Rooyers). 306. A Wooded Hill Landscape with a Waterfall in front. On the right near a ruinous cottage sits a woman with her child. Higher on the hill is a shepherd with sheep. Beyond are mountains. Canvas, 18 inches by 2ii inches. Sale. E. Hooft, widow of W. Valckenier, Amsterdam, August 31, 1796, No. 34 (452 florins, Achtienhoven). 307. Landscape with Trees and a Waterfall in front. Shep- herds amid sheep. A view of hills. The various trees are especially well rendered and reflected with the sun and clouds in the water. Canvas, 21 inches by 17^ inches. Sale. (Fiseau ?) Amsterdam, August 30, 1797, No. 185 (570 florins, Coders). 307*2. A Hilly Landscape with a Waterfall. Near the fall in front are a fir tree and a broken tree-trunk. A view of hilly country with figures walking. Canvas, 55^ inches by 43 inches. Sale. (Fiseau?) Amsterdam, August 30, 1797, No. 186 (170 florins, Spaan). 308. A Northern Landscape with Hills, Woods, and a