Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/137

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 123 Sales. Thomas Emraerson, London, 1829 (^315, bought in). T. Emmerson, London, May 27, 1834 (^252). D. Macintosh, London, 1857 (^363 : 1 6s., Nieuwenhuys). 380. A Wooded Landscape with a Waterfall and Castle. Peasants, cattle, a wooden bridge. [Compare 219.] Sale. D. Macintosh, London, 1857 (346 : ios., W. Morley). 381. Landscape with a Waterfall between Little Hills. Sm. 171. A wooded landscape, with bushes, plants, tree-trunks, and a corn- field. The trees stretch away into the distance. On the left a road leads to a cottage, near which is a woman with her child. Ladies pass in a waggon drawn by two horses. A shepherd watches his flock. In the middle distance are meadows with trees ; beyond are hills with a ruined church. A stream flows in gentle cascades over the foreground ; a log lies across it. The sunlight falls on the cottage, partly on the wood, and most strongly on the hill-top and the ruin. An " excellent picture " (Sm.) Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 25 inches by 30 inches. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 954. Sale. Danoot, Brussels, December 22, 1828, No. 67. In the collection of Edward Lloyd, Manchester, 1835 (Sm.) and 1857 (valued at .400 by Sm., or sold for that sum as Sm.'s MS. note in his own copy of his catalogue indicates ambiguously). 382. A Dune Landscape with a Waterfall. Through a hilly and wooded landscape a sandy road leads from the back to the front. At the top of the road are two figures with a dog ; one figure carries a sack. In the distance, amid great trees and rocks, is a cottage. On the left a stream flows between rocks and forms a low waterfall. To the right are trees, partly obscuring the cloudy sky. Panel, i8| inches by 25 inches. Sale. Comte R. de Cornelissen, Brussels, May n, 1857, No. 72. 382^. A Rocky Landscape with a Waterfall. In the Motz collection, Bremen, 1858 (Parthey, ii. 459). 383. A Wooded Landscape with a Waterfall. On the left, by a stream which receives a waterfall in the middle distance, is a picturesque barn amid trees on a hill. Farther back are a little cottage and a wooden bridge with a peasant. In the distance are a sunlit hilly landscape and blue hills. Panel, 17^ inches by 2i| inches. Sale. L. Casterman and others, Antwerp, July 19, 1858, No. 128. 384. A Waterfall. Sm. 249. A wild rocky landscape with a river and distant woods. On the left is a lofty hill ; on the top are two cottages amid bushy trees. A stream flows through a chasm and falls to the front, along which it extends among loose stones. A broken bush lies across the stream ; a stunted elm rises from a hillock in the centre. To the right is a wild wooded country. [Possibly identical with 340^.] Canvas, 40^ inches by 49^ inches.