Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/146

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132 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 414^. Foaming Waterfalls. The waterfalls, filling the whole breadth of the picture, rush down over great rocks, carrying away a tree. On a hill are houses and a tower. Canvas, 14 inches by n inches. Sale. Countess Reigersberg, Cologne, October 15, 1890, No. 135. 415. A Waterfall. A torrent rushing down in foam between rocks forms a waterfall in the middle. To the left is a hill with trees and bushes. On a hill to the right are two men and a white dog. In the right centre of the middle distance is a clump of trees on the bank. In the distance are a town and lofty hills. There are faint clouds in the sky j the landscape is strongly lighted. Signed in full on the left ; canvas, 21 J inches by 25 inches. Sales. H. de Kat of Dordrecht, Paris, May 2, 1866, No. 70 (4000 francs). Vicomte de Buisseret, Brussels, April 29, 1891, No. 94. 416. A Waterfall. A stream forms a waterfall in front and then flows to the left. On the right, over the stream, is a rustic bridge leading to a road up a hill. To the right, half-way up, at the door of a cottage, are felled trees. Farther away to the left is another cottage. High up the hill is a wind-mill. A man and a child come down the hill. In front are wooded rocks. Across the waterfall is a wooded country. Great clouds float in the blue sky. The hill with the wind-mill is in sun- light ; the foreground is in shadow. Signed on the right at foot ; canvas, 15 inches by 18 inches. Sales. Baron Fagel, Paris, May 4, 1870, No. 18. Vicomte de Buisseret, Brussels, April 29, 1891, No. 95. 4160. A Wooded Landscape with a Waterfall. A stream rushes down between rocks and trees, forming a waterfall which fills the whole breadth of the foreground. In the middle distance huntsmen and hounds hunt a stag. Signed on a rock to the right ; canvas, 29 inches by 22| inches. Sate. Hopken-Melenberg and others, Berlin, May 6, 1892, No. 84. . A Waterfall. Across a broad heath, on which a shepherd tends his sheep, a stream flows, passing round a wooded hill and forming a little waterfall in front. Masses of gnarled trees. A distant wood. Signed ; panel, 6 inches by 14 inches. Sale. The widow Marie von Robert and others, Cologne, March 27, 1893, No. 259. 416^. A Wooded Landscape with a Waterfall. The water rushes down in front over great rocks. To right and left are clumps of tall trees, with a view of a lake flanked by a range of hills. A storm is coming on. Signed, " J. R." ; panel, 27^ inches by 34 inches. Sale. The widow Marie von Robert and others, Cologne, March 27, 1893, No. 261.