Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/157

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 143 with a man who stands beside a pack-horse. In the ford to the right is a boy. Between the two horsemen is a figure. To the left is a woman carrying a bundle on her head and leading a child. Behind her to the right, at the water's edge, is another man. The same ford is represented in a picture by Hobbema (140) at the Imperial Gallery, Vienna ; but that picture has a dead tree-trunk and an uprooted tree in the left foreground, with other figures. The figures in this picture are said to be by Ph. Wouwerman, but it seems unlikely. The combination of the two monograms of Ruisdael and Wouwerman has been added by a later hand. In the foreground, especially in the earth and the water, there are details which remind one forcibly of Hobbema ; but in the trees and sky there are other details which are more suggestive of Ruisdael. Signed on the right with a doubtful monogram, " J. W. R. F." ; canvas, 26| inches by 33^ inches. Exhibited with the Six collection, Amsterdam, 1900, No. 121. Sale. Amsterdam, April 9, 1783, No. 49. In the collection of Van Winter, Amsterdam. In the collection of Six van Vromade. In the collection of Six van Hillegom, Amsterdam, 1835 (Sm.). In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1910 catalogue, No. 2073*2 ; bought in 1907-8 by the Dutch Government from the Six collection (with 38 other pictures for ^62,500). 442. THE PATH THROUGH THE WOOD. A sandy road runs between large oaks on banks at either side. In front, near a pool, is a broken tree-trunk. Two figures, one of them in red, go away. On the right is a farm. Signed with the monogram on the right at foot; 18 inches by 25 inches. In the collection of C. Hoogendijk, The Hague, lent to the Rijksmuseum, 1907. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1910 catalogue, No. 2080*2. 443. A WOODED AND HILLY LANDSCAPE WITH A RIVER. The river flows through the middle distance and makes a bend in front. On a hill to the right is an old oak. On the left is a broken beech stem. On the road a shepherd drives his flock to the water in the centre. To the right gallops a horseman. Farther back near the water is a man on foot, with a stick or gun, followed by his dog. On the farther bank of the river are two small figures. In the left distance is a castle on a hill. Cloudy sky with evening sunlight. The figures are by Ruisdael himself. Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 18^ inches by 23^ inches. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer. In the possession of the Amsterdam dealer Goudstikker. 443#. A Wooded Landscape with a Pool. The pool is on the left. To the right a road leads into a wood of lofty oaks ; on the road are a man, a woman, and a dog. Beyond the pool is a sunlit glade, with trees and figures in the distance.