Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/160

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146 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 452. A WOODLAND SCENE WITH WATER AND FIGURES. In the collection of the Grand Duke of Hesse, at the Palace, Darmstadt. 453. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH A LAKE. In the centre is a lake. To the right is a clump of great oaks. In front of the water, to the left, is a white tree-trunk. Farther away is a sunlit hill, with a church tower rising behind it. A man kneels at the water's edge. Between the lake and the hill is a flock of sheep near a sheep-fold. Heavy clouds in the sky. Panel. In the collection of Boughton Knight, Downton Castle, near Ludlow. 454. A STAG- HUNT IN A WOOD WITH A MARSH. Sm. 230. In the foreground of a wood is a flooded marsh, in which grow some large trees. In the distance is a sunlit clearing on the edge of the wood. Horsemen, beaters, and hounds, coming from the left, chase a stag which flees through the marsh to the right where other huntsmen and hounds await it. The figures are by A. van de Velde ; Sm. ascribes them to Berchem. "This capital production may justly be classed among the finest works of the master " (Sm.). Signed in full on the left at foot j canvas, 43 inches by 58 J inches. In the Dresden<inventory of 1754, ii. 205. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1492 (Sm. valued it in 1835 at 1050). 455. A FORD IN A WOOD. Sm. 251. A placid sheet or water fills the whole foreground. It is full of water-plants and extends in a curve between wooded banks to the left distance. Beyond to the right is a distant view. On a bank to the left is a gnarled and half-withered oak. Behind it is a dark line of trees, two of which are more prominent than the rest. From the left foreground two men in a waggon with two horses, followed by a dog, drive through the water to the right. From the right bank cattle approach them. Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 22 inches by 29^ inches. Engraved in 1781 by J. Schumann ; engraved in aquatint by Harfinger. Acquired for Dresden at the Leipzig Easter fair of 1743. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1493. 456. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH A POOL. Sm. 197. On the right is a pool with three swans. A man carrying a burden on his back goes along a road to the left, with a dog. Beyond him a man and a boy come forward. Beyond the pool is a high wooded hill, relieved against a cloudy sky. The figures have been inserted by a later hand. Signed in full, and dated 1678 ; canvas, 24 inches by 30 inches. Sale.W. Beckford, Fonthill Abbey, 1823 (134 : 8s., Emmerson). In the collection of D. W. Acraman, Bristol, 1835 (Sm.). Acquired for the Dublin gallery in London in 1873. In the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, 1890 catalogue, No. 37.