Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/166

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152 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. Bought in 1842, privately, by Sm., who sold it in 1843 to Sir Robert Peel, Bart. In the collection of Sir Robert Peel, Bart. ; purchased as a whole in 1871 for the National Gallery. In the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 854. 482. A FOREST WITH A POOL. A pool fills most of the foreground and the right half of the middle distance. In the centre is a clump of great oaks with many mighty branches that are dead. Beyond is a sportsman with two dogs. To the left near the clump, at the edge of the picture, is a willow. In the right foreground is a tree-stump ; the tree lies to the left, partly in the water, with water-lilies in front. In the right middle distance, beyond the pool, is a wood, with cows and sheep at the edge of it. The sportsman and dogs are probably by another hand, but the sheep and cattle are by Ruisdael himself. Canvas, 30^ inches by 38^ inches. Exhibited at the Guildhall Art Gallery, London, 1903, No. 134. In the Le Brun collection. In the Leuchtenberg collection, St. Petersburg, 1886 catalogue, No. 136. In the collection of George Salting, London ; bequeathed to the National Gallery, London, 1909, but not among the pictures selected by the Trustees. In the collection of Lady Binning, Mellerstain House, Kelso. 483. A WOOD WITH A RIVER. Sm. 203. A river fills the whole width of the foreground, where many small stones are seen above the water. The well-wooded bank runs from the left foreground to the right background. In front is a tree-stump. Farther back is a large oak, behind which to the right is another tree-stump, with the trunk lying in front, partly in the water. In the middle distance the bank is steeper and the wood has more undergrowth. On the extreme right, at the edge of the picture, is a narrow vista. In the left foreground of the wood a shepherd drives his sheep forward. In the middle distance two fishermen stand in the water, drawing their nets. An excellent picture (Sm.). Canvas, i8 inches by 24 inches. A painting made from precisely the same standpoint, attributed to Hobbema, was in the sale : Huybrechts, Antwerp, May 12, 1902. It is Hobbema (in). Engraved by J. H. Wright in the Stafford Gallery, No. 119. Sale. C. Birch, London, June 14, 1828 ^34 : 145., Marquess of Stafford). In the collection of Lord Francis Egerton, London, 1835 (Sm.). In the collection of the Earl of Ellesmere, Bridgewater House, London, 1892 catalogue, No. 247. 484. THE MARKET -CART; A FORD IN A WOOD NEAR A VILLAGE. Sm. 317. From the centre foreground a broad winding road leads to the left distance towards a village whose church tower rises above the distant trees. In the middle distance the road crosses diagonally a shallow stream. At the ford two horsemen halt ; one, in profile to the right, waters his horse, while the other is behind him to the right, facing the spectator. On the nearer bank a laden waggon with a peasant, a woman, and a child, drawn by a horse, goes away. On the road, nearest the front, a peasant, carrying a bundle on his back, approaches.