Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/172

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158 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. A POOL. In the left foreground is a pool ; two men, one in red and the other in blue, draw a net. Beyond is rising ground, through which the water winds along. By the water to the left is a great bush. In the right centre of the middle distance a large oak stands on a slope, the left side of which is in sunlight. On the right, in the shadow of the trees, sits a shepherd, where sheep are scattered over the same. On the road to the left a man with two cows disappears behind the hills. Tall oaks close the view. Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 27 inches by 31 inches. In the collection of Lady Stanley Errington. In the possession of the London dealers Dowdeswell. In the possession of the Paris dealer Th. Bonjean. 503. LANDSCAPE ; THE EDGE OF A WOOD. A water- fall comes from a wood. Rocks, on one of which are two figures, while on another are two cows. Signed on the right ; canvas, 16 inches by 18 inches. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of Max Flersheim, Paris, since 1908. 504. A HILLY AND WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH A RIVER. Sm. 130, and Suppl. 49. On the right is a rugged hill, densely wooded. A river, flowing between steep banks, fills the whole width of the middle distance. A shepherd drives his flock to the road across a wooden bridge over the river. On the bank is an elder tree in blossom. " An excellent example of the master " (Sm.). Canvas, 17^ inches by 21 inches. In the possession of Peacock, London, 1835 (Sm.). In the collection of Edmund Higginson, Saltmarsh Castle, 1842, No. 81. Sales. E. Higginson, London, June 4, 1846 (262 : ios., Norton for R. Clowston). London, 1858 (149 : 2s.) ; noted by Sm. in his own copy of his catalogue. Thirion, Paris, June 1907. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of S. de Jonge, Paris. 505. A WOOD NEAR A RIVER. An oak wood in a wild and romantic scene fills the left half of the picture. The middle distance is in full sunlight. At the right edge of the wood the sky is seen between the trees ; bushes close the view in the centre. From the wood a little cascade falls into a placid pool, with water-lilies, which fills the right side. The water flows from the distance, where the big round tower of a ruin, stand- ing amid bushes, closes the view. Beyond are hills. On the right bank in the middle distance are trees. In the left foreground is a tree-trunk ; in the centre is a tree-stump. On the bank to the left are sheep ; in the right middle distance are two figures. Cloudy sky. Canvas, 30 inches by 38^ inches. Engraved by Greux, Desbrosses, and Boulard. In the collection of Max Kann.