Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/175

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xni JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 161 by a dog, shoots at two ducks swimming to the left. A traveller, carrying a stick on his shoulder and a sack on his back, goes along a footpath through a wood to the left. A piece of canvas, about 8 inches wide, has been added at the foot of the original canvas. Signed with traces of a monogram on the right at foot ; canvas, 26 inches by 31 inches. In the collection of Count Bruhl. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1146. 513. A WOOD WITH A MARSH. Evening. A small picture. In the Jussupoff collection, St. Petersburg. 514. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH A BRIDGE. In the centre is a wood on a hill, from which a sunlit road leads over a wooden bridge to the left foreground. A woman, carrying a bundle on her head and leading a boy by the left hand, comes along the road. On the bridge is a man with a stick. On a rock in the left foreground is a leafless tree. To the left is a view of the distance. Signed with the monogram on the left at foot ; canvas, 41^ inches by inches. Sale. H. Th. H5ch, Munich, September 19, 1892, No. 183. In the collection of Robert von Mendelssohn, Berlin. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1897, No. 36. In the collection of the late W. L. Elkins, Philadelphia, 1908 catalogue, No. 123. 515. LANDSCAPE IN STORMY WEATHER. Sm. Suppl. 89. On the right is a rugged hill covered with masses of trees. On the slope of a hill in the centre are a wood and a fenced shrubbery, near which is an old oak that has lost its branches. In the right foreground is a pool, with a bare landscape beyond. By a road to the left is a peeled willow. In the right background is a flock of sheep. Two horsemen, a woman standing near, and a cow grazing in a fenced pasture. A stormy sky. The figures are by Fragonard. Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 26 inches by 31 inches. In the collection of Baron Delessert, Paris, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. Baron Delessert, Paris, March 15, 1869, No. 79 (5000 francs). In the collection of John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 516. A WOOD WITH A QUIET STREAM. In the centre foreground is a sandhill, partly overgrown. In front and to the right is a stream, with a sunlit sandy bank in the right middle distance. Beyond is a dense wood, filling the whole width of the picture except for a strip on the left. In the centre three great trees with sunlit stems are prominent. On the left is a solitary tree ; through the branches is seen the sky. In the left foreground is a tree-stump. Signed with the monogram on the right at foot ; canvas, 23^ inches by 32^ inches. VOL. IV M