Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/185

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 171 Panel, 22^ inches by 29-^ inches. Sale. B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 120 (60 florins, La Court). 536. Entrance to a Wood across a Marsh. Sm. 128. Through an opening in the trees are seen distant hills. On the other side are a sandy road and a hill, on the top of which are a shepherd and three sheep. In front is an old tree stripped of its bark. Panel, 22 inches by 31 inches. Sales. De Sereville, Paris, January 21, 1812 (2700 francs). Due d'Alberg, London, 1817 (141 : 153.). 536(7. Landscape with Trees and a Pool. Many trees belong- ing to a wood, with a cottage among them, fill one side. On the other side is an open landscape with a pool in front. Figures by Isack van Ostade. Canvas, 15 inches by 13 inches. Sale. J. A. Snyers, Antwerp, April 27, 1818, No. 9 (409 florins). 537. A Hilly and Wooded Landscape with Water in front. Sm. 175. The hills are richly wooded with trees and undergrowth. The blue sky is reflected in water in front which flows to the side and thence into the distance. Along the bank are flags and other water-plants. Canvas, 20 inches by 28 inches. Sale. Le Rouge, Paris, April 27, 1818 (3530 francs). 537. A Wood with a Still Pool. The trees are reflected in the water. Canvas, 26 inches by 30 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 17, 1818, No. 53 (290 florins, Roos). 537/&. Sheep and Cows in a River. In a wooded landscape. Panel, 15 inches by 17 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 2, 1818, No. 60 (200 florins, Roos). 537<r. A Wooded Landscape with a Still Pool. Sale. Amsterdam, April 13, 1819, No. 71 (3 florins, Van den Berg). 537^. Landscape with High Trees near Water. Panel, 16 inches by 20 inches. Sale. C. S. Roos, Amsterdam, August 28, 1820, No. 94 (5 florins, De Vries). 537^. Landscape with a Fine Oak and a Marshy Pool. On the pool are wild ducks. On the farther bank is a sportsman with dogs. In front is a fallen tree. In the distance are trees, through which is seen a plain. Dark clouds. In the Vlassoff collection, Moscow, 1821 catalogue, p. 252. 537^. The Outskirts of a Wood. A hunting party halts. A lady sits on the grass near a man who examines his gun. Another man