Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/196

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i8 2 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. On the right is a group of tall trees, with a man. Beyond is flat pasture. Evening sunlight. Canvas, n| inches by 14 inches. Sale. J. Dintl and others, Vienna, November 23, 1869, No. 140. 574;-. A Wooded Landscape with a Pool. Tree-stumps. Sale. R. Hume, London, 1870 (215, N. Colnaghi). Landscape with a Pool. The pool is on the right. To the left is a cottage in a wood. In the centre, in sunlight, are a peasant, a man holding a child, and, farther back, a dog. Panel, 14 inches by n inches. Sale. Samuel Baruch, Cologne, May 23, 1870, No. 30. 574<?. A Wooded Landscape with Water. Canvas, 13 inches by 18 inches. Sale. B. Lans and others, Amsterdam, April 25, 1871, No. 23. 574/ The Interior of a Wood. In front is a pool ; beyond are dunes. Panel, 6 inches by 8 inches. Sale. M. D. Vis Blokhuizen, J. J. H. Antheunis, and others, Rotterdam, October 19, 1871, No. 38 (135 florins, Lamme). 575. A Pool in a Wood. Rays of sunlight break through dark heavy clouds and illumine here and there the tree-tops in the wood. The foreground is wholly in shadow. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 14 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Isaac Pereire, Paris, March 6, 1872, No. 152 (3100 francs). 576. A Great Pool. The pool fills the whole foreground and reflects great trees on the left. To right and left are cottages. In the distance a peasant in a boat rows across. Signed in full almost in the centre at foot, and dated 1666; panel, 1 6 inches by 2i| inches. In the collection of John W. Wilson, Brussels, 1873 catalogue, p. 112; sold in Paris, March 16, 1881. 5760. A Wooded Landscape with a Pool. Ducks on the pool in front. [Possibly identical with Sjof.] Signed in full ; canvas, 21 inches by 29 inches. Exhibited at Vienna, 1873, No. 140. Then in the collection of G. R. von Epstein. 577. Landscape with a River and Trees. Sm. 33. A still dark sheet of water fills the whole foreground and the right middle distance, reflecting an old oak which is stripped of its bark. Near it are grass and bushes ; beyond is a farm. In the water to the right, near the bank, are two cows, a sheep, a goat, and the herdsman. Beyond a road leads through the wood, with a distant view ; on the road at the back is a